Thursday, December 26, 2024

Discussing the Cyprus Problem with the Key Negotiators 


Thank You Fidias. Your work is very relevant; exposing ourselves to our past. Indeed, Cypriot lives matter. ...and indeed as people we are, Individuals and Persons; Bicommunal. Let us remember that Cypriots are neither "Greeks" or "Turks", and, they have never betrayed their Identity in elections by voting as an overwhelming majority (Greek and/or Turkish) for one of "Them". day i hope to eat really good souvla, on the beach as a Cypriot; never mind the mythic reality of the usurpers i say: as a People there is our Freedom to think about, and above the Liberties we may choose to represent. This is the Problem. ...never stop re Fidias because you are a Patriot. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Traitors’ club celebrates 20 years


Here they are in all their glory the others as the "others" would have them looked upon, the few and the insignificant. Yet their numbers grow, now for decades, so too the thoughts of Love and its infinite power that they represent. Indeed such men and women gain great Joy from one another's company; artificially torn apart it is something to think about.

...ask yourself/yourselves why Cyprus still "belongs" to Cypriots, and not the "Greeks" and "Turks"?

But for this island's dwellers who have never even once betrayed themselves in all these years by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates, such a notion as a Cypriot People survives.

...traitors not to themselves i wait, their silence breached the polity to speak; picnics on their beaches together making souvla and song (under the one Flag that is truly theirs, the Flag of Cyprus, the one that "They" have treated and treat as a rag): an Enosis which is Peaceful, this time a Cypriot way, "Greekness" and "Turkishness" the Problem exposed as one and the same against it.

...indeed, 'our' (read: the Human race) problem with the Problem in Cyprus is that it is not about Greeks vs. Turks, or "Turks" vs. "Greeks", it is about "Greeks"/"Turks" against the Principles that make us as Individuals beyond the Person an equal Greek and Turkish willing to defend the values 'we' have that are Universal.

...indeed. Think carefully because we are in a sense the belly button of the world.

What is the Problem, that in Cyprus it cannot be solved, so that in it (e.g.) the People of Turkey, those in the Ukraine, and dare i say it in Trans-Jordan will find for themselves a fitting way to secure for themselves Freedom, and as Constituencies representing this Liberty, as majorities their recognition and respect for the minorities living among them by providing for their special needs as well.
(...what is a BBF?) Intentions matter.

Indeed it is most heartening to see this small group is news, and how many in the comments section support such "traitors", 'traitors' as such Citizens of the World.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Turkic world ‘responsible for a fair solution in Cyprus’, Erdogan says


...indeed, beside the "Greeks" and the "Turks" it is the Cypriots which need a fair solution, which demonstrates that beyond Persons Humanity as Persons recognises and respects our Individual Rights and the Universal Principles on which they are based. it is with Cypriots because they have existed millennia, and they are not few as "They" would have the world believe. Also, let's not forget that in elections across the decades of being unnaturally divided, not once have Cypriots (Turkish or Greek) voted overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates: Cyprus still "belongs" to Cypriots.

...Hungry a Turkic Nation, is hopeful; Cypriots as Cypriots (self sustaining, and multi-cultural: beyond "This" dysfunction) may someday be a member of the OTS too (i.e. what is fair?). Cypriots are already represented as part of the Francophonie; English to Cypriots is not a foreign language either.
(The issue of Identity is complex.)

Mr. Tatar should be wary as a Statesman; whether he leads, for "Turkishness", or follows. He may realise that he can do more than Mr. Erdogan for his "motherland" by "being" Cypriot; asking instead, "where is a Greek Constituency" given that a Turkish Constituency seeks recognition and a Cypriot State exists. In solving the (Cyprus) Problem, Turkey too could use a BBF when it comes to Constitutional Reform, beyond the Rights of all people as equals, having at another level of Government among Turkish Constituencies a Turkic Constituency.
(Something i wish he'd think about.)

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter


...i ask who is a Semite; that there are anti-Semites: are not the Jews and the Arabs brothers in that regard?

And who is Abraham if not the father of two sons, according to the Muslims and the Jews?

...let us remember what Abraham is known for, if not his kindness and his hospitality even toward strangers. It is an attitude of mind. And in America, it is the same problem where 'we' allow ourselves to ignore this basic truth choosing one ''side'' over the other, not for 'us' as the one family that we are as the Human race, but for "ourselves".

That is, the Problem.

...something to think about.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

comment, CM 2015; Cyprus Problem

 Dearest President,

...exciting times, the willingness to make change exists, everywhere; yet.

"This" must stop. 

I ask you to "be" Cypriot; to speak to and for 'us': the Turkish and Greek who support neither the "Turkishness" or "Greekness" which leaves us as a People no more, torn apart. Cypriots exist, they exist in greater numbers; think about it: in all these years "being" artificially split, never once betraying themselves in elections by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates. Cypriots as Cypriots have existed millennia. 
(Who represents, them; I ask: but you.)

...and it is time. There is room in our politics for a Greek Constituency, at another level of Government an equal to other Cypriot Constituencies, such as a Turkish Constituency, (i'll add, you should not be wearing anymore two hats as the President because Cypriots are not Greeks alone, Cypriots are Cypriots and they are not few deserving proper representation beyond the present dysfunction); what is a BBF about, but, 'our' Freedom: as this island's dwellers, as Individuals without any further discrimination or distinction and, as Persons in Liberty demonstrating the same Principles of Humanity, as majorities toward their minorities respect and trust. Indeed it is our Constitution which needs reform; its workings are there for it (two levels of Government), the People exist and their intention (what is; the 'larger' half), the mission is the same: a State, within a larger Family of Man representing our willingness to live under a set of Principles and a Rule of Law that are Universal beyond the Nations individuals may identify with themselves. What is missing is the courage to look beyond "these" divides which in effect is/are artificial: Cypriot lives matter, they live across the island, (still).

...Turkey would not refuse, it is what she is looking for in any case; the perfect solution. What is a better template than Cyprus' reform for their own reform, it is their National Issue; and given the Problem, in the Ukraine, and in the territory once called TransJordan for example, some Hope, guidance, something all people do find worthy, something to emulate: an achievement which would be much to.Erdogan's credit. 

Frankly, i believe thinking such as mine is not too hard to understand, it is a Cypriot way, (it is what the youth are thinking,) and beyond that it is the way; it should not be taken lightly. In my mind, you may find in it the inspiration you need for bold first steps, as 'our' Leader. i will leave you with this link, true today as it was true then,

Most Respectfully.

...and as always, Warmly,


Monday, October 28, 2024

Manifesto: for your consideration


Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:07 am

Klik, sustaining our identities as Persons is extremely important. google, ethnosphere. understand that more than the ecosphere, culture, the diversity that is "Mankind" dwindles at an even faster rate.

because Cyprus, or at least its Statesmen, have chosen to define the Principal of Bicommunality for all Mankind, new thinking is needed about the meaning of "State" and the meaning of "Nation". the debate in Cyprus as it is framed presently has led to stagnation; the same stagnation that exists in Turkey.

...think about that.

something is terribly wrong about our views, as Humans, because the world has changed; Nations are no longer States...

...within all modern states, there are (plural) Nations. indeed we are a tiny little island compared to the size, in land mass and population, of other countries. but our Intolerance is the same, if we divide ourselves as Blacks or Whites by any other name. indeed, our Problem needs a solution which is "Perfect", that is to say repeatable, providing a result which others can emulate toward their own betterment.

...furthermore, our demographics will not stay the same. we are members of the EU now, a very fluid population. we are the gateway to three continents, and our survival depends on our ability to facilitate social-exchange as a global partner. it is no joke when i remind us that the population of Cyprus is something a little over twelve million (although conservatively this will take two hundred years, if it does not happen sooner). if we resist these changes, they will overwhelm us, especially since desertification and ocean acidification are likely in a future which looms much closer still.

Manifesto: for your consideration


...if you think Cyprus is "Greek" or "Turkish" then there is no room for us to grow as a State. The "new" ethnic group i presume you are referring to is Cypriot. Cypriots are neither of the above although within its population there are Greeks and Turks. After all these years of putting the Person before the Individual, it is hard to imagine that the extremists continue without the realisation that their Imperialism is not unlike the worst of our interlocutors, Turkey, which has been reduced to illegal occupations, ethnic cleansing, and corruption. is the only solution, except bloody war. Only that war will leave us as this island's dwellers with no Peace, no less subjugated to the murder which follows the Intolerant who have no identity to Human Betterment because in the mind of these Ignorant, Nations are States, States are Nations.

Manifesto: for your consideration


Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:06 pm

somewhere there is for example, a frontier between the rural and the city.

somewhere a mountain starts.

the word osmosis is valid with enclaves, places of a "Turkish flavour" or "Greek flavour" (or Armenian flavour) like a cake, they are constituents, without which the recipe cannot be cake, each made up of components, they blend, as parts within themselves and with each other.

The Jurisdictional responsibility for the provision of service to the electorate depends on identifying residency by drawing frontiers. Thus, the existence of frontiers is necessary in any circumstance, be it electoral ridings and/or districts. There is nothing wrong with being served, first, in Turkish or Greek, in one place or the other.What is important is that our State is strong, and that we are united as people in support of its Sovereignty in defending our Individual Rights. As Persons, in a Bicommunal framework, our liberty allows us to sustain (and promote) a National Identity as well.

The United Republic of Cyprus has as its frontier, its border. Internally however, we have to choose as yet a rational way of distributing the land so that it is served by the populace that lives on it in a manner where their closeness to it is expressed through their own self-representation. Enclaves make perfect sense then, in securing Free Association, and they guarantee our Free Movement, while allowing for distinctions in both societies from the diversity they will provide, it allows for Free Expression to grow. Most importantly, communities of the displaced will have the opportunity to return, Justice seen, beyond the Right of Return for Individuals which is paramount for us to demonstrate, if there is to be Justice.

Turkey, remains for us a counterbalance against the forces which are extremes. She will recognise the Sovereignty of Cyprus, as United and indivisable when it suits the needs she has for security, and the sustainability of her relations with us as an entity. When a "perfect" Solution is found, Turkey will not withold this recognition.

Manifesto: for your consideration


Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:19 am

"When people vote, they should be neither Greek (GC ) nor Turk (TC) ...... but individuals ...... above all else, the right of the individual should be respected, no matter what community they finally affiliate with (for day to day existence).", OP

True!!!, in my Cyprus so long as you are a Citizen, toward the State you will be identified as an Individual, only.

Voting thricely, each citizens votes for a Turkish Cypriot representative, a Greek Cypriot representative, as well as an Independent representative.

"So you propose to have us TCs scattered all over the island in enclaves surrounded on all sides by GCs?", eric d.

not true, having enclaves scattered over the whole island implies that Greek Cypriots can return as communities in the north without destroying the fabric of the society which will surround them. Turkish Cypriots will have the opportunity to development land for their society's prosperity island wide as well with their enclaves in the south.

most importantly, I think is the recognition we can give to the displaced reciprocally by this change to our political-geography, and homes can be offered to the Settlers and those that will be displaced instead of houses.

"Will not the 'traitors' include a large section of the GC population?", deniz
"just EU members resident in Cyprus .... using their one vote to have a say!", OP

Both true, although our founding is a commitment to change, and people as Cypriots, and as Tc's and as Gc's are to be accommodated.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Turkey's ruling party explores possibility of public input on constitution-building process

. about a BBF:

Representation as an Individual; by a State without further distinction or discrimination which defends our Human Rights based on Universal Principles as one race we are striving to improve.

Representation as a Person; where a Constituency may represent such a majority who in Goodwill and Goodfaith demonstrate their respect and trust of the minorities living among by providing for their special needs as well.

...i suggest, what is good for Cyprus is good for (Modern)Turkey as well.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Maverick Fidias stirring up the EU


...picnics on the beach re fidias; and i'm not kidding, you can do it.

...with the thousands, Turkish and Greek Cypriots eating souvla together, i'l be there.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Our View: Cyprus problem at the UN: A 50-year speech no one’s listening to


...indeed, the Problem, and as it is in Cyprus, the Cyprus Problem, is complex. (It is a matter of intentions.) Dating back to the early sixties, here, it has evolved, resulting in this most unnatural state (with so many other issues attached to it). But i do not despair, having more confidence in 'us', the Human race.

...what is a Person? What is an Individual? What is a State and what is a Nation? What is Freedom, and what of Liberty? Ask yourselves: that is the Problem; what is a BBF.

Indeed, there are "Greeks" in Cyprus, as there are "Turks". But for the greater half who are Greek and Turkish, Cyprus would be no more. Think about it.

Our Freedom, to "be" an Individual, was usurped from 'us' by "them" back then. And it remains, "Greekness" and "Turkishness" the central topic of discussion by the so-called leadership, leaving Cypriots all these years ignored. This, is the problem. (And most recently, take note, concocted by "Russia" in the Ukraine this same "solution"; never mind what occurred in Trans-Jordan with such notions there.)

...enosis comes to mind: the word that Cypriots must take back by giving it its Cypriot meaning. "Picnics" on our beaches for example sharing souvla together under our flag, the Flag of Cyprus; who would be against that? Simple acts of great courage, like flying this flag outside your door or at your place of work so that collectively there is no where in Cyprus, "They" will not see it flying. Or, how about starving "Their" establishments, by deliberately crossing the "Green Line" toward consciously seeking out in social-exchange other Cypriots, instead?

...indeed where is a Greek Constituency, among Cypriot Constituencies just like a Turkish Constituency: at another level of Government; as Persons representing themselves (in their daily lives) as majorities in Goodwill and in Goodfaith, having the same respect and trust for the minorities living among them by providing, as well, for their special needs? And, what have 'we' agreed to so far at the UN: not two governments, but two levels of government; think about that for a while.

...such a dismal and cynical point of view Cyprus Mail, of Cypriots, that i must thank-you for stirring in me a redoubling of my conviction to see in a better world a Cyprus Free, not for "Greeks", not for "Turks", but for those who defend Universal Principles without further discrimination or distinction, for Cypriots, at peace with each other and in a Cypriot way being equal in a larger Family of Man; beyond the colonial shackles as it appears, which as a People 'we' must unchain ourselves through direct action peaceful, reasoned, and better intentioned.

...reading this opinion piece, i have to ask of the authors what is important to them, who they think they are writing for, and what they think the readership expects of them; who stands to gain from their thinking: the People you say?

...indeed. Will we grow tired of Justice because of the constant need to defend it? Will we grow tired of the Truth and the whole Truth I ask the Cyprus Mail? I urge them to resist the mythic narrative "Greeks" and "Turks" would have all of us believe, that Cypriots are few and insignificant; that is an untruth. And i urge the Cyprus Mail thusly to root deeper, into the corruption that enriches a few, and that keeps 'us' more like chattel driven to be torn apart; to educate us differently, to mitigate, and to act as a vanguard driving change, for Cypriots: given how Cypriots are being represented at present by its political elite (north and south), it is a duty. Cheers!

Cypriot lives matter. (...wouldn't you agree?)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

‘They speak in code’


...having to live next to the béhémoth and sharing a language, as a Canadian i wonder if the spelling difference we have between us has the same significance anymore; being older i wonder if the difference is as rigorously taught today as it was sixty years ago: a matter of ("my"/'my') identity.

Indeed, communication is a matter of intention (and it is always evolving). Cyprus i dream of a day where our "Official Languages" have as their significance the capacity between them to be flawlessly 'translatable'; like in Canada between its English and its French. And more importantly i dream of this capacity extended, so that such a functionality is practiced toward many other languages as fluidly, (as well as their other forms of writing and speech).

What is multilingual?

...let's not forget who Cypriots are at a crossroad to three Continents, they are facilitators of exchange. In a world of bits and bytes where numbers count such a capacity, in many languages/'languages', where a singular meaning can be said and written in many forms, is important.

...the medium is the message, wot?

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Re: The war against Cyprus.


...indeed, whether Turkish or Greek "they" are stuck in an Age which has passed having been hijacked by "Greeks" and "Turks" who have very little interest in the notions of our dignity as Individuals accountable to each other; the Basic Human Rights 'we' hold without distinction or discrimination whether as Persons, Sex, (or as Classes), but as a People all equal.

What is a State? Indeed, Cypriots needs this recognition. (We all do.)

...and why not?

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Both sides of Cypriot diaspora must stand together


...indeed let us never forget who these Cypriots are, who have over the decades held as electors to their Cypriot Identity having been torn artificially apart. And being neither "Greek" or "Turkish" in that regard, over all these years, they have never betrayed themselves as Cypriots by giving even one of "Their" candidates an overwhelming majority. These are the facts.

They are the larger half if you will, silenced by the shameful slander against them of being too few, by "Them" who wish to define, Cypriot, such a notion for themselves.

...picnics, to do what Cypriots do so well, to sing, to dance, to make music, and make souvla on 'our' beaches, under the one flag that is rightfully 'ours'; this is what 'we' should do so that speaking for 'us' as the People's flag, the Flag of Cyprus flies highest. 'We' may find them flying everywhere across the island, where Cypriots live, i hope; our flag, the Flag "They" treat and have treated as a rag for far too long.

...who would be against that, that 'our' flag flies peacefully?

(United, who can stop 'us'?)

Cypriots in the diaspora can do more to demonstrate their unity as Individuals, committed to supporting Universal Principles, and as Persons demonstrating the same commitment to such values as Majorities, by having the capacity to provide for the special needs of Minorities living among them too. (What is a BBF?)

Cypriot Constituencies anywhere where they may gather should do more to be helpful to each other because united is, the Cypriot way.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Η Εκλογή Φειδία (Ντοκιμαντέρ / Ελληνικά) (Fidia's election)


...who are Cinel Senem Husseyin and Koray Basdogrultmaci ? They are constituents, your constituents. Brave, unknown patriots who you should meet along with many others in the occupied territory, that we may learn from. Cyprus is not "Greek". Cyprus is not "Turkish". 'We' are Cypriot. ...picnics Fidias, i am waiting for picnics on our beaches. (...and who would be against that?) Indeed, we (read: you) can do it.

Sunday, July 28, 2024



Dearest Fidias, will not find unity among the Leadership; "Greek" and "Turk" they have divided us as a People. And beyond that they are divided among themselves, for power. But, you will find unity among the people themselves. ...picnics; what Erdogan begs us to do, on our beaches to show ourselves, Cypriots who do what they do so well making souvla together, and under 'their' flag, the Flag of Cyprus, the one "They" treat and have treated as a rag. best advice to you, sir, as an MEP, is get out and mingle, your Constituency is Cyprus, the Cypriots that live within this territory, 'our' island: the "Green Line" does not define a border, it defines an illegal occupation. Never forget the vanguard then, the Turkish Cypriots who have never once betrayed themselves by voting overwhelmingly for even one of "Their" candidates. They exist and their numbers make them many not few. Think about that. They should not be fighting alone, "Turkishness" (and the "Greekness" which represents its equal), think what 'we' can do standing together; "it" is our common enemy as Cypriots and as Citizens of the World: what is the Problem. ...ask yourself, are you a "Greek", or Greek; and who do you oppose, Turks or "Turks"? Cypriots are neither "Greeks" or "Turks". Cheers!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Re: The war against Cyprus.


...there are Cypriots on both sides of "the line". Like "They" are the same, 'we' are the same. Don't be fooled by the flawed logic that Turks are "Turks", and you are wrong if you believe all Greeks (should be) "Greeks". Despite the mythic reality, that Cypriots are insignificant as they are few, realise that if that were the case, in elections despite the unnatural divide, the assimilation and decades, they would have decided long ago that such an Identity, "being" a Cypriot, was not worth keeping.

...if you are Cypriot there is one way forward, and that is ENOSIS, to take back the word by giving it a Cypriot meaning.

...let's remember that Erdogan begs us to show ourselves; to rise up above the rank corruption of our leadership who are profiting from the adversarial positions they take, to show "Them" the change that ends their grip on our thinking, to take over our own lives: picnics on our beaches i say. (I hope that Fidias can do it for us, being young, our MEP, and so open-minded.)

...Turkish Cypriots are the vanguard, the greatest threat to "Turkishness" that Erdogan faces because they have never betrayed themselves by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates; this is fact. More so, should they see themselves joined by Greek Cypriots against the Turkish occupation as Cypriots themselves, Hope would be the result, a big step forward against those who question Universal Principles and basic Human Rights.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Re: The war against Cyprus.


...and so it is a small stall of ''traitors'' gather through song, good coffee, and zouki decades, trafficking their Joy.

...crowds grow, and in sitting together there is no shame; for this something bigger than ''themselves''.

...indeed i am hoping for picnics where souvla can be served to thousands (because Cypriots are not few and insignificant); on our beaches eating a meze together: who would be against that?

"This" is the war here and elsewhere; if we are not one of "Them" 'We'/we fight through reason lovingly: Lest we Forget.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Re: The war against Cyprus.


...there is always that fear, for Cypriots, that Greece may stumble and with their talks (alone) with Turkey they may betray 'us' in Cyprus (again), securing an Agreement good for "Greeks"; as though splitting a baby in two is a good thing.

...this is the Problem, here, in greater Palestine, in Turkey, and in the Ukraine; to name a few. Intentions count.

Friday, July 05, 2024

President remains hopeful after UN official says no common ground


...indeed, the "Turks" and "Greeks'' are really good at what they do; keeping 'us' apart. Madame Holguin let us remember the Cypriots, about (at least) half the population as voting goes over the long decades, who have not once given an overwhelming majority to even one of "These" candidates; these are the Citizens which merit her attention, those too few as "They" will say (given their Agenda) because 'we' are Individuals willing to defend as any Citizen of the World would the Universal Principles on which our Basic Human Rights are based, and "They" (as Persons first) do not. This is the Problem.

...but, it is not up to the esteemed Madame to decide for 'us' the miracle that brings us together as Cypriots and as Human beings. It is souvla on our beaches that will bring us together, picnics, enjoying the food we make together, those of us who will not betray the notion that Cypriots are Cypriots, that while as Cypriots (mostly) we are Greek and Turkish we are not ''Greeks" or "Turks".

...and where is the Greek Constituency, among Cypriot Constituencies, (a second level of government) an equal to a Turkish Constituency, that Mr Tatar should be asking for? Where is his respect for Cypriots? The other half so to speak, their desire to be represented as Individuals (as well) matters too: whether he chooses to be representing "Cypriot Turks" exclusively or not ignoring them the part of his own Constituency which did not vote for him is Ignorance.

As a Statesman being educated he should know better his Political Science, and what a BBF means to all People seeking Freedom, who, as Persons toward each other in this unity wish as well to sustain their distinct identities in Liberty by demonstrating as majorities their respect and trust toward the minorities that live among them; ...of course intentions count.

And given how, for "Turkishness", Cyprus was torn apart, how Turkey is tearing itself apart, and how the Ukraine (Putin's "Cyprus solution") is being torn apart by "Russianness", (n.b., and what of "Greater Palestine" if you will), a BBF, such Constitutional Reform worth emulating from Cyprus being held in such esteem, given its importance to so many, most importantly beside Cyprus' reform, reform that also changes Turkey (and on which, as well, he may build a widerworld Legacy for himself being recognised as a Peacemaker of such scale), it should be more inviting to him.

A Cyprus united is a Turkey united i suggest: Hope for the region and the world. Likewise, a Cyprus divided is a Turkey divided: something to also think about.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.


...i wish for an Israel free of its "Jews" who like the "Arabs" in Palestine are no better as representatives of their Persons.

...i wish the People of Palestine and Israel beyond this Liberty their Freedom where as Individuals they may defend the Universal Principles on which such notions are based.

A BBF in a Greater Palestine is not anathema, among its constituencies, to having a Jewish state where as a majority they, like the other Constituencies, demonstrate respect and trust toward the minorities living amongst them.

...intentions count; what is the Problem.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Our View: Young influencer who swept the floor in Cyprus’ EU elections


..."influencer", i knew of this young man before these elections; indeed, i remember him. He made me happy and i was happy to share his adventure as our adventure, what seemed to be a simple task, getting a hug from his Hero, Elon Musk.

Who can/could forget his joy, (our joy) in this achievement; love as an infinite power: going all the way.

...Cypriot, let us hope that he has the power to define for us this word so clearly that 'we' may join, as Cypriots, beyond the "Greekness" and the "Turkishness" that is our bane and to this higher level. That we may laugh and sing together, that we may share souvla together and on our beaches in peace despite "Those" who would be against it, who would rather imagine that Cypriots are few, too few and insignificant to merit the attention of such efforts and such events.

( it too much to have such hopefulness; to see Flags of Cyprus everywhere?)

As an independent, being who he is i have great expectations that i will learn something about what it is to be an MEP no less: wishing him well.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

‘We obviously disagree on Cyprus, but only dialogue can be the antidote’


“it is important to reach a fair and permanent solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of the facts on the island.”; so says Mr. Erdogan.

indeed. But i have to ask, does his reality of this problem, in Cyprus, include Justice; a solution which can be emulated, a solution which makes 'us' better people as a Human race?

...this is the Problem.

Enosis: Erdogan begs us and 'we' remain divided. "Greek", "Turk'', they still hold the Agenda; "They" are the bane to the other half of us Greek and Turkish, but, Cypriot first.

And why not on 'our' streets and on 'our' beaches public demonstrations of our love for this island, "Picnics" together united under the one flag "They" treat (and have treated) as a rag, the Flag of Cyprus.

An end to "Enosis" (and to "Taksim") because 'we' choose to take back the word(s) giving it (read: them) its Cypriot meaning.

Think carefully about what this man is saying, because "They" should not be able to look out their windows or from their cars without seeing 'our' Flag (despite "Theirs''') proudly flown.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Tatar rejects trilateral with UN and Christodoulides


...for Turkish Cypriots there is no representation so long as Mr. Tatar chooses to ignore their existence for the benefit of "Turkishness".

And yet he does no favours for his constituency, the "Cypriot Turks" either, having chosen to be belligerent it seems because he is unable to meet and in dialog reasonably present his position successfully.

...such as it is no Cypriot enjoys Freedom (or Liberty) with things as they are; 'our' Individual Rights usurped from us torn apart for a "Greekness" and a "Turkishness" which are no different ignoring what should have been learned by now: there is only one "race", Lest we Forget.

...indeed, it is not hard for me to imagine that Cypriots may gather,
if he goes too far, on their beaches under the flag he chooses to treat as a rag, the Flag of Cyprus, to make souvla together having their own "picnics"; how can that be reasonably opposed by him?

Let's remember that despite what "Turks" and "Greeks" would have you believe, that 'we' are few, the other half (Greek and Turkish), the larger half if you will have never betrayed themselves voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates.

..."enosis", a Cypriot meaning to this word cannot come too soon.

Turkish Cypriots should not be alone standing in opposition to this man's notions: they threaten all of us.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Turkish Cypriot side hits out on Cyprus’ EU accession (2)


...the British did nothing and the "Turks" passed.

You/"You" call that support, i call that a failure on both their parts.

...what is clear, and fact, is that none of the Guarantors demonstrated the qualities of Integrity and Commitment toward the Universal Principles that as States 'we' expect from them.

(America too, in that regard, is not blameless.)

...let's remember if we were "Turks" and "Greeks", the island would have been divided as such long ago. And/But let's also remember, the voters who have not decided it is so, and, who have never betrayed their Identity as Cypriots Turkish and Greek even once by having voted overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates; this too is fact.

Cypriots are not so few that they are easily dismissed, as much as people like you MrH would like to believe, and as much as people like you would like to "be" defining 'us'.


And who are the Cypriots who celebrate their unity today?

Let's not forget the voters; if not for them, decades ago 'we' would have been "Greeks" and "Turks" already. Few as "They" would like the world to think 'we' are, we are many: so says the results even torn apart as we are never once betraying our identity as Cypriot Turkish and Greek voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates.

...i saw "ENOSIS" on banners yesterday in the streets of Nicosia, Unions together celebrating May Day; something to think about.

And who would be against it if on their beaches Cypriots joined to make souvla together, (something Cypriots do best,) under their flag, the one that "They" treat as a rag and the one rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Re: Iran launches massive missile/drone attack on Israel


...@Kiks: don't blame the system; America is, great.

And do not despair, remain a Patriot to the values it has evolved to, the Universal Principles on which such a notion of a Human race is founded upon. Indeed, you speak of Ignorance, the enemy within, a corrupted Leadership which does not have the courage to be by example entirely truthful; their words meaningless as a result, provoking in affect the same Hateful enterprise in kind. Reason is needed; the dogged recognition that denial is no solution: change includes better intentions from 'us' and "Them", blaming "Them" is not enough as a positive action, choosing one "side" or the "other" is as mistaken too.

...more than ever America needs Americans, not "Americans" but Citizens of the World.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Manifesto: for your consideration


Yes...this is the core: culture. In defence we strive in our daily lives to learn more about ourselves and our place in the society around us and its culture. Yet, beyond the isolation before the Modern Age the Individual was the Person. Today identities are far more complex because of our Communication skills, the velocity of Social-Exchange, and the demands of our Environment, which requires our inclusiveness at exponentially faster rates.

consider the situation of Palestinians at present who are effectively living in enclaves. forget the misery for a second and imagine, landwise not much change; but free movement association and expression three governments in Jerusalem with Arabs and Isrealis in a Bicommunal State much like what I am proposing for the consideration of the Cypriot people.

...and what is wrong with "enclaves" if in their pure geographic context they define "zonality" for people whose identitiy includes their Persons, as well as a self, defined by their Individual Rights as an equal.

particularly, National Assemblies oblige the majority ("Turkish" as well as "Greek") to provide the balance in their leadership which affords the demonstration of Good Faith, toward their own betterment with the recognition of those who are unlike them, but with their own special needs. The reciprocation of these efforts in the National Assemblies, I imagine will provide great margins of scale for them to refine a culture of their own, if their efforts of transparency provides to many other cultures a link to their own root by being Cypriot, especially if the State itself prospers by faciliting this exchange for us who are active in our Global 'mobility' as an inclusive People.

In any case, the State is free, from cultural bias, and in its Governance it is seen to have as a culture the counterbalncing of power, for all its citizens before any other interest.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Kombos: Cyprus ready for talks, Turkish side imposing conditions


...and what is an equal to a Turkish Constituency but a Greek Constituency? And along with other Cypriot Constituencies representing themselves, as Persons demonstrating their Goodwill in goodfaith, as majorities providing for the special needs of the minorities that live among them as well; why not?

Indeed, in a Republic of Cyprus, Constitutionally reformed, that represents us as Individuals first without discrimination or distinction, 'we' could defend ourselves, our Human Rights, the Universal Principles on which they are based. And, at another level of government we may nurture the distinct identities which are this island's ethnosphere, in kindness. (What is a BBF?)

...what is lacking is the courage of our elites to "be" Cypriot, winning their power from Cypriots, artificially divided, as "Greeks" or "Turks". And, who (the People), despite the decades of "This", never vote overwhelmingly for "Greeks" or "Turks". Cypriots are badly represented as such. (This is worth thinking about.)

'We' have only to think about why Cyprus is not already "Theirs", seriously. Let us meet on our beaches as Cypriots to do what Cypriots do best, and eat souvla; who would be against that?

Monday, April 01, 2024

There is ‘room for hope’ on Cyprus problem


...if Mdme. Kassianidou can sit at a meeting celebrating the TMT, it would be normal for her to be sitting at a function celebrating the same event for EOKA; that would make sense as a rule, and this is a sad absurdity, given our circumstances hypocrisy in short, representing Cypriots as their Deputy Minister of Culture.

...with what EOKA and the TMT became they leave 'us' very little to celebrate; "Greekness" and "Turkishness" are the Cypriots bane.

And it is an insult to Cypriots who gather together in mourning, who do not forget what lessons that should have been learned.

Along with these families, of those who were murdered or made to disappear at "their" bloody hands for "being" Cypriot, i/I choose to stand. How can a Cypriot choose differently? my mind it is this we must not forget in overcoming our own Ignorance. "This" cannot stand. Indeed the Hopefulness comes from the People, not from the Leadership it seems.

...shame on the Republic and on the "other" republic who do not serve the rest of us: the larger half so to speak, the voters who for decades that have never voted overwhelmingly for "These" ideals.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Turkey is bankrupt


...if as you imply generally speaking, the whole world has gone to shit, Turkey is bankrupt and so too the rest of "Them"; in such corruption it is a matter of confidence instead.

Erdogan, (at this point,) in effect to have a lasting Legacy, must save the World so to speak and he can by demonstrating the qualities of a Statesman, not for his "brothers" and not for any other International cabal but for 'us' (and in his own State the People); exposing "This" for what it is, by changing intentions solving his Problem in Turkey for starters, that in the Ukraine, in Cyprus, and dare i say it the land once Jordan's as well: needing Constitutional Reform what is wrong with a BBF i ask? that respects the identity of people as Individuals who, as Persons demonstrate the same respect toward each other.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Government ire at ‘all Cyprus could be Turkish’ comment


...unlike Putin's Russia, Turkey did not make the invasion an existential question for "Greeks", and thus it was possible to establish an (illegal) regime for "Turkishness", in Cyprus.

...and now Mr. Erdogan laments what could have been if Turkey had the Armed Forces they have today, he is bragging actually, (with him in control) how much they have grown; seeing Ukraine, as it is today "Russia's" predicament, he knows better but he can't help himself.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

60-year-old embargoes on Turkish Cypriots spiteful and unfair


...indeed, we did live well together before the "Greeks" and "Turks" took on their cause for "Hellenism" and "Turkishness". I remember, with pride 'we' our village were Great Cooperators, there was trust and respect among us, we worked well together, we were in effect self-sustaining despite the 'taxman', the 'agent', and the 'others' who did not care for our collective tradition, a "mixed" village we were called because "they" found it strange.

...indeed i remember, with Cyprus 'ours' in three short years there was asphalt on roads, a light in the kitchen, and water for drinking just outside my door. (Something the British had not provided.)

...indeed, i remember those who stayed behind when the invasion started, because they were Cypriots, because they believed in greater Principles as Citizens of the World, in a Family of Man. They, are our Heroes. I do not forget that either. And i ask why there is no memorial for these murdered and missing where we the living may mourn together these men women and children for who they are (and who 'we' are) because they did not die as "Greeks" and "Turks" but at their bloody hands.

Who speaks for 'us' the greater half actually, the Cypriots who vote as Cypriots Turkish and Greek even unnaturally divided over decades never once choosing one of ''Their'' candidates overwhelmingly? This is the Problem. It is not a problem of Greeks vs Turks, or "Turks" vs "Greeks", but how Greeks and Turks are ignored by "Greeks" and "Turks" who hold the Agenda.

...indeed i ask, who would be against it if Cypriots took to their beaches to eat souvla together and under the one Flag that is rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus; ask yourselves, ask yourself.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tatar: No one can stop the Turkish Cypriots from achieving their own state


If anything, Mr. Tatar is misrepresenting Turkish Cypriots who in effect do not support the efforts he makes for "Turkishness".

...indeed, "Cypriot Turks" like to think that only "Greeks" are Cypriots, "Greeks" in fact would like the rest of us believe that too. But it is not the case, as we have seen over the decades because not once have Cypriots swayed on either side of the "Line" by voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates.

And where is the Greek Constituency, like a Turkish Constituency, to nurture their distinctions and to demonstrate as Persons their respect for the minorities that live among them?

...indeed, as Individuals, with a State without distinction or discrimination, we can defend each other under a Rule of Law. Being a BBF, even more, we can demonstrate the same trust and respect toward each other at a second level of Government, as Persons, as well. (The EU, for example is a BBF, so is the USA.)

Mr. Tatar is mistaken, he deludes himself if he believes that his Ignorance will be accepted because the World is as Ignorant as he is. He asks the wrong questions because he is not a Cypriot; if he did he would have all that he is asking for.

Friday, March 08, 2024

Talat: Turkey’s Cyprus stance ‘a complete fiasco’


Distinctions must be made between "Cypriot Turks" and Turkish Cypriots, just as there are "Greeks" and Greeks who live on this island too; this much is true.

...of course the "Greeks" and "Turks" will never join in unity.

But, 'we' can. Enosis, in this context is not a dirty word...
...and a Cypriot meaning exposes "Them" to their corruption.

"This" is at the root of the Problem which in Cyprus, as it is in Turkey, and as it is evolving in the Ukraine a matter of intentions, a question of Universal Principles that are being challenged by "Persons" over 'our' identity as Individuals, in affect, denying us as Human Beings the notion of equality, of having the same needs as a minority or a majority by "Their" elite and "Their" dogma(s).

(Dare i say in Gaza we see "Its" most extreme results.)

Let's not forget that Cyprus is still Cyprus because even after all these decades of being unnaturally torn apart Cypriots vote as Cypriots never once voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates. And Cypriots whether counted as two peoples or one, it is clear that, they are neither "Greeks" or "Turks"; this is also something to think about.

...i dream of elders, men like Mr. Talat who will join together with 'us' the People on our beaches having picnics under the one Flag that rightfully belongs to all Cypriots, their flag, the Flag of Cyprus.

Who would be against such a notion ask yourselves.

...'we' are not few as "They" will have the world believe;

Cypriot lives matter too.

Friday, March 01, 2024

Debate over Cyprus-Israel film agreement heats up

. that it can be demonstrated some stories in life touch us all; stories worth telling.

Just like the Problem in Cyprus it is a war of "Jews" and "Arabs" against the notions of Jews and Arabs.

...i do not believe all Jews are "Jews" and all Arabs are "Arabs"; i suspect you do.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Greek minister: half of Cyprus is Turkish


...yes, had the coupists been successful Cyprus would have been "Greek" and the other half "Turkish". What is ignored by "Hellenists" and "Turks" is that beyond these dogmas exists a world beyond them, which Cypriots (have already) embraced.

But the coupists failed. Greek Cypriots who supported it were very few. Thus it is fair to say Cypriots are not few as "They" would have the rest of us believe, and they speak as much as they are silenced/silent, never once betraying the notion of "being" Cypriot, never once voting overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates at the polls even after so many decades of being so unnaturally torn apart Turkish or Greek, they hold in this way together above "This".

...indeed, Cypriots are divided, who i ask keeps it this way?

Monday, February 19, 2024

Re: Ukrainian Issue


...yes Lordo, fifty years later Cypriots are still ignored, by the invader and the coupists without support who failed.

...and let's remember that had Putin been truthful Ukrainians would not be defending their very existence. Russia has no reason to have attacked the Ukraine but for the sake of "Ukrainians", who as a "Russian" he has defined.

What is the Problem is the same; intentions count.

...unlike "You" the Danes are not looking for some tribute, something to gain; they stand on Principle as Patriots toward a cause that is Universal, and at a time not of their own choosing but because it is necessary.

Sunday, February 18, 2024



..."winning" i suppose, is what counts. If you are "Turkish" in Cyprus or if you are "Greek" your lives have the added burden of being hateful toward each other and ignorant to your victims, those of us on this island defending Universal Principles.

But, as an enterprise it seems quite profitable for both of "You"; what with the Cypriots (the other half) still struggling with what was usurped from them, their Individual Rights: to "be" Cypriots and to be loving persons as such.

...such as it is 'we' are still here. (whatever "You" say about each other)

While things are (un)changing "things" do not go on for ever, those silenced or silent will speak.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Turkish Cypriots encouraged to vote in European election 


Such an election should expose our political parties to the same criticism, who represents Cypriots best Turkish and/or Greek? Who unlike "Them" ("Cypriot Turk" and "Greek") espouse a Cypriot identity.

...what has AKEL done toward this end since the last election where their candidate, (for the first time) a Turkish Cypriot, was chosen by Cypriots to represent 'us'.

...i ask, where is DISY? Have they, since then, cultured any dialog with Parties in the occupied territories who support a Cypriot way? What makes them a Party all Cypriots may choose?

In any case, i do not despair; i remember, who has kept the notion of Cypriots existing: the voters who even after decades of this corruption for/of power do not betray themselves, leaderless in affect the other half as i like to call them as Cypriots, who do not succumb to "Thisness" defending Universal Principles instead.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Cyprus problem gets lost in translation


...indeed, the Cyprus Problem got lost in translation.

It is as though "Greekness" and/or "Turkishness" are important, that "They" are more important than the Individual Rights and/or Identity of Cypriots that was usurped from them.

It is as though 'we' will be sacrificed, those of us who defend Universal Principles, those of us lost in this "translation'' neither "Greek'' or "Turkish", the other half if you will which for decades as voters have never betrayed the notion of their 'Cypriotness'; voting never once overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates, those who have remained civil and reasoned despite the fact that having voted for Cypriot representation for so long, they have so little of it.

...what is the problem in Cyprus: it is not about Greeks vs. Turks, or about "Turks" vs. "Greeks", it is about "Greeks"/"Turks" vs Turks/Greeks; this is the Problem. And, if you think about it, it is the same problem affecting Turkey in its Constitutional reform, the Ukraine as it is evolving, (and dare i say it the conflict of the "Jews"/"Arabs"). warns tourists entering Cyprus from the north


...respect to

...what is a quick buck is not in their mission and such integrity counts.

Cypriot lives matter; (still) the larger half if you will, Greek and Turkish who are neither "Greek" or "Turkish".

Monday, February 05, 2024

A signal of doom from last British governor to Cyprus


...indeed i do recall, the coup and how it ended; imagine how things would be like had "They" succeeded.

...indeed, i do not despair because despite the "Greeks" and "Turks" who do everything to bend 'us' like chattel, they fail. If it were not for Cypriots Greek and Turkish who see life differently, Cypriots would be no more.

One day, i imagine that Cypriots will overcome their fears and instead taking to their beaches for picnics, and under their Flag, the one that is rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus, share souvla: who would be against it ask yourselves.

...if our leadership continues to represent themselves as the "Greek" representative or the "Turkish" representative, what is left i ask for the People wanting change, somehow to be represented as Cypriots (first), but to represent themselves accordingly, thus exposing "Their" weaknesses, with their own demonstrations of unity and strength.

Cyprus is Cypriot let's not forget because of its voters; despite decades torn unnaturally they have never once betrayed this notion of "being" Cypriot, never once having voted overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates.

Enosis is the only solution but Cypriots must take back the word and in practical terms give it a Cypriot meaning.

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Nicosia must ‘avoid generalisations’ on Cyprus problem


...such an insulting man, he dares to suggest that somehow "Hellenism" in Cyprus has been the cornerstone of our prosperity and health, which without it we could not survive. I fear the "Greeks" frankly, just as much as i do, the "Turks". And for Greeks, Turks, and Cypriots, "They" are a bane to our existence with their dogmas and their zeal.

...indeed, i ask, will 'we' be betrayed again; (i.e.: the coup, the financial crash), for "Greece's" greater glory, will it come down to that in the negotiations that will follow soon with Turkey?

Enosis, i see enosis as the only solution. Cypriots taking back the word from "Them" by giving it a Cypriot meaning.

...yes, let's avoid "generalisations", Cypriots are not "Greeks", nor are they "Turkish", as Greeks and Turks like other Individuals everywhere on this planet they seek something more: to live without fear, to be judged on their merit and not on "who" they are, to have equal opportunity at finding happiness; to ''be'' Human above all.

A State is needed; not a "Greek" state and a "Turkish" state, although such Constituencies at another level of Government would be welcome. A BBF in Turkey, i will add, like in Cyprus is needed. Greece may think about that wanting to be helpful toward 'us', and to secure for themselves among neighbours the same peaceful relations.

Friday, February 02, 2024

...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.


Lordo wrote:

repulsewarrior wrote:

Lordo wrote:

Similarity between Ukraine war and Gaza is incredible.

1. Both aggressors are sponsored by America

2. Both are trying to ethnically cleans people and grab land belonging to others

3. Both are Nazis

4. Both signed an agreement they had no intention of keeping

5. Both can call a ceasefire any time they wish and they choose not to.

Interesting ain it?

...for the record, i think you are mistaken.

With respect RW tell me which bits you disagree with?

By all means take them apart point by point.

1. Aggressors, are you comparing "Russians", (never mind "Ukrainians"; they are 'gone' now just like the "Greeks"), with "Jews"? And who are the "Americans", think carefully; and who are they rooting for?

2. Who are you talking about, really? The "Russians" the "Jews", the "Americans", or to bring it closer to home, the "Turks"?

3. Don't kid yourself Lordo, Nazis are everywhere, and they are a scourge wherever they are; but yes in that regard i will agree with you that there are Nazis who are "Jews".

4. ...and who has signed an agreement with the intention of keeping it? Those of us who would sign an agreement and keep it in any case are unnaturally torn apart by the mythic reality that "They" would have us believe, that 'we' are few.

5. Who tried to call a "ceasefire"; all these decades? Let's be serious, "They" hold the agenda, wherever there is this problem (it seems i am the only one left to remember when "it" was called The Problem), in any case it's 'us' the other half who will pay their (and these) costs; whether as Individuals, having defended Universal Principles for Freedom and Rights that go with a Human Condition, or, questioning these values without Liberty as Persons in affect "Forbidden" to associate.

Both Cyprus and Israel are very good examples of a Democracy under threat where it has been demonstrated again and again (over decades) that no extremists have ever won an overwhelming majority. (Particularly in Israel, (with its present situation) let us remember who Bibi really is, he has a lot of history and in any case his power is not on solid foundations to say the least.) It is for this reason Lordo, that i do not despair; perhaps i have more faith than you in Humanity. I believe in 'us' and the power of us as Hateful beings, yes, but (unlike you perhaps) not against each other, Lest we Forget, there are bigger enemies to focus upon like disease and hunger worth such ruthlessness. No, it is by kindness, reason, that what is prevailing as misery is overcome, by embracing such a future unknown, to "be" Loving, by changing intentions making changes, by overcoming the fear we have among 'us' and within ourselves, uniting, ending Ignorance ("This" plunder) as well.

...a BBF is good for Israel, a BBF is good for Palestine too, just like a BBF is good for Ukraine and, in Turkey, (some good examples); in Cyprus it should (have been) be easy because it is an island after-all and its population is (very) small. are mistaken, like having picked a "side" from the stock that has been around for a while, selling it like "new", like in a bizarre where one can say anything to draw a buyers' attention, like "it" is better than "another" when in reality "they" are the same (actually for "both" hidden from the clients the one 'thing' feared the most in such a marketplace, which is Modern and more reasoned, what has the better pattern).

Thursday, February 01, 2024

‘Measures for Turkish Cypriots are an admission of guilt’


...Eide said it, Cypriots if left to solve their problem alone, would have solved it long ago.

Let's remember who keeps Cypriots together despite the decades of having been unnaturally divided; their Individual Rights usurped from them by those who call each other "Greeks" and "Turks". is 'us' that has prevented this island from being torn in two, the voters Turkish and Greek who have never voted in any election overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates. This is something worth thinking about.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cyprus hits back at ‘skyscrapers on stolen lands’


...if Greeks were "Greeks" and Turks were "Turks", this island's dwellers would have split long time ago.

But, they are not.

...let's remember who has kept us united. Not our Leadership having taken "sides" but the voters who despite the decades of being unnaturally torn apart (and without proper representation) still vote as Cypriots, never having overwhelmingly voted for one of "Their" candidates even once.

...and, let's not forget that while the "Greeks'' succeeded in their coup it took three days to fail because Cypriots, more precisely Greek Cypriots, overwhelmingly, did not support it.

Do not delude yourself Cemal with "Their" dogmas so hateful and unjust; Cypriots exist and they matter too.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Kombos says dialogue with Turkey on natural gas welcome


...even Palestine and Israel sit at the table as equal partners at the East Med. Gas Forum. Only Turkey's chair (and Syria's) remains empty because of her desire for supremacy on and under this sea.

Indeed, not only Cyprus but in effect the whole world hopes that Turkey will at least recognise and respect International Law, UNCLOS in particular when it comes to natural-gas, with Cyprus as with all her neighbours.