Thursday, August 31, 2023

Overseas Cypriot minister thrives on the Canadian dream


...indeed, this success in Canada is no dream. Canadians are Canadians because they stand together to defend the Universal Principles on which they can all live, Free.

And let's remember that Canada (like the EU and the USA for example) is a BBF. Not Persons alone, in Liberty neither "English" or "French" but a whole host of Constituencies who as majorities demonstrate their Goodwill and Goodfaith toward the minorities who live among them.

...intentions count. We should remember the Problem but it seems we do not having become the "Cyprus problem" as though this same strife is not at the root of Turkey's problem never more divided by "Turkishness", or in the Ukraine where "Russianness" demonstrates the same intolerance toward the notion that as People we are equal, (and that we have bigger enemies to fight than ourselves like Hunger and Disease; Lest we Forget).

What is the Problem? In Cyprus it is not about Greeks vs Turks, nor is it about "Turks" vs "Greeks", it is about "Greeks"/"Turks" against Greeks and Turks who are Cypriot; something to think about. And let us never forget that even in this dysfunctional and divided state, it is Cypriots that have kept this notion alive, of Cypriots, despite the decades that have passed: they have never given their vote in overwhelming numbers to "Them". Cypriots exist. Turkish and Greek they live across this island (still).

...enjoyed reading this story. I don't doubt, that such a man as Mr. Nicolaides would agree with me.

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