Sunday, March 21, 2021

Parties cross swords, fail to pass House resolution ahead of Cyprus talks


...well, i am hopeful.

Finally these Parties will have to look at themselves,

...and who they represent (read: who they should be representing).

Indeed there are faint attempts to find in Cypriot Political Parties, across the divide, common ground; timid steps. Such as it is, Turkish Cypriots represent about half of the illegal regime's electorate. In effect, they represent the vanguard against our existential threat, the "Turkishness" that, today, divides Turkey itself.

...and after decades, such an Identity may be recognised,and exist, better defined, celebrated, "being" Cypriot, perhaps not by the "Turks", or the "Greeks", perhaps not by Erdogan, but by the People themselves.

"Picnics": peaceful representations; with souvla under the Flag that is rightfully theirs Cypriots may gather.

If it is that the Legislature is split, (the question: what is Cyprus?) this is good; because new thinking is needed.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Study gauges political gap between TCs and settlers 

. like this must be very unsettling to the "Greeks", and the "Turks", in Cyprus.

Good news for Cypriots, Greek or Turkish, indeed.

...whether the data is three years old or not, it is still accurate; consider the voting public in the illegally occupied territories, how they have voted for decades, and most recently as well.

Good news; for me at least: Cheers!

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Disy, Akel leaders: no straying from bicommunal federation


They, the "They" you are talking about Huseyin, are the "Turks" and the "Greeks" that live among us.

...but, despite decades, they represent something less than half the voting population.

You may ignore this fact like "them", but it doesn't make it any less true. While we all hope that our Leadership will craft for us a solution that's agreeable, little confidence it seems exists that this may happen soon, i'll agree. And, if "they" go too far, that will be made clear, if it is the People who take to representing themselves. (They too, under their Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, may have "picnics" too.)

...there are Cypriots, and there are the "others". Are Cypriots the Problem?

"Greeks and "Turks" are no different to me. Indeed, the "Greeks" did lose in '74, because the Greeks "being" Cypriot did not support them. Anyone, Greek or Turkish Cypriot now, wishes the same defeat for "Turkishness", and for the same reasons. What is tearing Turkey itself apart today, this dogma, has torn Cyprus apart for far too long. Actually, unity in and for Turkey, what with its own need for Constitutional reform, may well begin in Cyprus, with Cypriots united; this is something to think about.