Friday, March 31, 2023

Can Cyprus ever be reunited? An hour long debate hosted by Iain Dale 


"Cypriot Turks" like Mr. Tatar would have you believe that Turkish Cypriots are few. Yet, even after the decades of being unnaturally torn from their identity as Cypriots, (as Individuals), like the Greek Cypriots, no "Greek" and no "Turkish" candidate has ever won overwhelmingly in elections; Cypriots exist, and they are the many. This is something to think about. And what is wrong with a BBF? An identity as a State, as an Individual prepared to defend the values and the Principles that secure our Freedom and our Basic Human Rights as equals without the need for further distinctions and discrimination, as well as an identity as Persons where having the Liberty of self-representation within Cypriot Constituencies, mindful as majorities of the minorities living among them by offering the same trust and respect, recognising their special needs and by providing for them with their Agendas in Goodwill, and Goodfaith. ...let's never forget who died most horribly with this History of violence in Modern times on this island: those who were not "Them", civilian, unarmed, and more reasoned. The "Greeks" and the "Turks" if you look more closely never really busied themselves killing each other. This too, is something to think about. ...what comes first? Is it the identity you carry as a Person, or your identity as a member of the greatest whole, call it Humanity? This is the Problem that is the problem not just in Cyprus where "Greekness" was defeated with the coup's failure from a total lack of support and where "Turkishness" remains an even greater existential threat (to all of us) because of how it is now dividing Turkey, and how in the Ukraine Ukrainians suffer from "Ukrainians" and "Russians" the same fate, being divided, and of having their Identities as Individuals usurped from them. But, i am hopeful. Who better than Putin and Erdogan to find a solution; they know the Problem well, they know that from infamy to fame for them comes with a small change of intentions.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Leader of all Cypriots?


Enosis, it needs a Cypriot meaning.

It needs 'us', if we are to give it a Cypriot meaning, to rise above what "Greekness" and "Turkishness" do (and have done) to this word in our hearts, to rise above the fear within ourselves and to "be" Cypriot. Without further distinction or discrimination, to defend each other and to defend the Universal Principles which are our Basic Human Rights, to be Free as Individuals, and where as Persons having the same Liberty, representing as majorities the same mindfulness toward the minorities living among them. (What is, a BBF.)

...i salute the author of this piece; it is a most hopeful consideration and it brought tears to my eyes.

...yes, Mr. Christodoulides may become the President of the Republic we have wanted for a long time, not just our representative, but to be seen as representing us in the changes he effects to all our daily lives for the better.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Tatar threatens resignation if Turkey changes course


...foreshadowing the things to come, i imagine Mr. Tatar has a much better job waiting for him already.

It bodes well for Turkey, and for Cyprus, (and the Ukraine as well); the Problem solved.

What is a BBF, you ask? It is the Constitutional reform we all need because as Individuals without any further distinction or discrimination we share a common Heritance. Thus a State where we defend the Freedom defined as our Basic Human Rights based on Universal Principles is needed. And, as Persons, needed as well, the same respect and trust for each other, the Liberty to demonstrate as Majorities toward the Minorities living among us the same recognition by providing for these special needs in Goodwill and Goodfaith as well.

...yet, the glorious battle for ''Turkishness'' goes on, Tatar among them, a dark state if not in the light back in the shadows, Erdogan would shine by turning on a dime getting back on the train he calls democracy.

With this change of intention, (a BBF for Turkey's reform) he may win more than his election but the International esteem of his peers because, just like Turkey which is not "Turkish", Cyprus is not "Greek" (and the Ukraine is not "Ukrainian''). Indeed Erdogan knows the Problem well. He may succeed in giving it a solution that is "perfect" (an 'old time' criteria (also)), something everyone may agree secures their needs as Persons and their Rights as the People, something he will emulate in his own Constitutional reform, perhaps even arriving on time for an unforgettable Centennial.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Our View: Talking about your good intentions on Cyprus talks is not enough


...the EU is a BBF, the US too, and Canada, and Australia, for example.

For Cyprus, reform as in a BBF is a Turkish idea, Mr. Ecevit to be exact. such, given that Turkey is not just "Turkish", (like Cyprus is not "Greek"), a BBF should be appealing, here too, for their own Constitutional reform.

...and in the State that you propose, the same as a Greek one, the island no longer one People, what does that say about all of us, as Cypriots? Ask yourself how welcoming can we be when we will be teaching our children to fear the "others" and to hate their neighbours.

Decades we have lived unnaturally torn apart. What has either of our Leadership's done but to secure their power representing a political dogma which in effect excludes any representation of Cypriots as Cypriots, treating each other as adversaries. This must change.

...don't forget that as a population of voters, neither side after all these years have ever voted overwhelmingly for a "Greek'' or a "Turk". Cypriots live across the whole island still: it's their votes that have kept their country united even in this most dysfunctional state.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)

 ...i wonder if this will get published (it is being moderated); reply to John Aziz Kent Kent

...well said.

Cypriots want most of all a President who thinks of them as Cypriots: Individuals without further distinction or discrimination, his values based on the Universal Principles which are the foundation of our Basic Human Rights, who has the courage and conviction to end this/the corruption we are suffering.

...a BBF demands as well Cypriot Constituencies so that as Persons (and their leadership) we can express toward each other the same respect and trust as such, majorities demonstrating their Goodwill, and Goodfaith, by recognisng and providing for the special needs of minorities living among them.

...i ask where is the Greek Constituency, if there is a Republic and the desire for a Turkish Constituency?

Indeed Turkey would learn a lot from us if as Cypriots we joined to ''be'' Cypriots, to fight the "Turkishness" that threatens our very existence today and "Greekness" which remains undefeated, exposing them as one in the same, (consider the "Russians" and the Ukrainians who would not let Russian children learn their mother tongue i call "Ukrainians"; what makes them different to "Turks", or "Greeks"?): what is good for Cyprus, as Constitutional reform goes, is good for Turkey (and Ukraine) too, if you think about it..


Friday, March 17, 2023

Our View: Talking about your good intentions on Cyprus talks is not enough


...indeed, let's remember Mr Eide. Certainly Cyprus, the notion that Cypriots exist across the island invites the question of what would happen if as the People they represented themselves, instead of allowing their leadership to leave them divided under the fallacy that as Cypriots they are few and as such insignificant.

...truth be told, should Cypriots decide to demonstrate under their Flag, the one that "They" treat (and have treated as a rag for so long), they would be a force to be reckoned with: "Turkishness" (and "Greekness") would be exposed for what they are. More importantly Cypriots by taking back the word "Enosis", from "Them", demonstrating publicly in their streets peacefully and on their beaches together, giving it (enosis) a Cypriot meaning, as such forms a very powerful message which cannot be ignored.

...i ask, if there is a President for all Cypriots, and given that there is a Cypriot Constituency which seeks to nurture as Persons their own distinct identity, where are the other Cypriot Constituencies who could stand in unanimity with them regarding their equal need for recognition? And as majorities presenting such Constitutional reform to the President, to represent the respect and trust they have for the minorities living among them, providing in their Agendas for these special needs as well, who would refuse them?

...thinking out of the box means, "being" Cypriot, and being a People, standing together wanting change.

I do not despair because despite the decades, it is Cypriots who have kept 'us' from being divided most unnaturally, by voting as Cypriots. Otherwise we would already be divided: yet "Their" candidates have never won a clear majority from their electorate even torn apart as it is; quite remarkable actually.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

North’s new ‘airline’ is misnamed


...more of the same.

When it comes to anything this regime does, it is always a sham, never what "they" claim it to be. the water, and the electricity, not a drop and not a watt "belong" to them; someone with deep pockets somewhere in Turkey decides who is thirsty and how much it will cost for light. What else can be expected to travel?

Such as it is, Cypriots have no representation in this condition where they have been silenced as such.

"Turkishness" is a bane to all of them (Cypriots), it threatens their very existence. And while Turkish Cypriots must take up the vanguard against their exploitation (by "Cypriot Turks") they should not be fighting alone. a way, i am relieved that nothing has changed; but things cannot stay the same forever.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Christodoulides: no time to lose in trying to break deadlock


"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."

...this much we know so far.

(at least) three governing bodies must exist for this agreement to fructify Identities for each.

...if Mr. Tatar wants equality as a state: ask, where is "a Greek Cypriot constituent state", its equal.

And let's hope Mr. Christodoulides remembers (and never forgets) that while he was elected by Greek speaking Cypriots, as Cypriots left torn unnaturally apart by the extremists i call "Greeks" and "Turks" that live among them, he must represent all Cypriots despite this dysfunction; (in effect representing what is not "Them").

...what is a BBF but a political system where as Individuals we have Basic Human Rights, defending them on the Universal Principles on which they are based. And as Persons, the Liberty to express our Goodwill and Goodfaith toward the minorities living among us accordingly. (Not two governments, but two levels of government.)

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Re: Ukrainian Issue


Don't blame Zelenskyy, he is not "Ukrainian" winning an election against them; he fights for the very thing you want most: Freedom, without further distinction or discrimination to be respected and recognised as an Individual first.

Ukrainians are like Cypriots, they exist and they are not few, despite the "Russians" and "Ukrainians", "Greeks" and "Turks" who would have you believe differently.

...if you choose against evil, Lordo, beware whose "side" you are choosing. Are you against a Ukraine that is united against "Them" because they place Basic Human Rights above their own distinct identities as Persons?

...or as in Cyprus, will it be divided, (by "Them"), left divided until the next melee; their children taught to hate one another?

What is the Problem is the problem.