Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The flag, the right wing, and partition (2)



...there is no apology that can be made to excuse the extremists among us. A Flag, sometimes, is not just a flag.

Indeed sports, youth, are being exploited for "National" causes.

Pride in ethnicity, a willingness to promote it, is not anathema to respect for "others" with the same feelings; yes, it is complicated.

Those who place their ''Greekness'', or their ''Turkishness'' before the responsibility we have toward each other as Cypriots, (and as Human beings,) only serve to assure there is neither the Liberty 'they' seek, and the Freedom 'we' seek. This is the Problem.

Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, my hope will fly their Flag, the Flag of Cyprus, with as much Pride, as do the "Greeks" and "Turks" who live among us. This too, is the Problem.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The flag, the right wing, and partition



...even the regime in the occupied territories admits, that it is "legal" to fly (peacefully) the Flag of Cyprus, anywhere on the island; for Cypriots at least, those not "Greek", or "Turkish", this is something to think about.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Erdogan: there will be no gas without our involvement



It is Erdogan who declares that the Treaty of Lausanne, tossed out a window, is gone. It is Erdogan who finds himself the adversary of all his neighbours. It is Erdogan who by his claims and actions in this case, seeks to disrupt the balance of power, and in his maximalist demands seeks total supremacy of the Eastern Mediterranean, (and the Aegean).

...it is not the oil or gas, per se.

But, i am hopeful because, with all the problems converging, linking them to the Problem, as Erdogan has done, it is possible for Peace in the region as a whole to find a comprehensive solution, with Turkey's recognition that Cyprus and Cypriots exist.

...if not for "Turkishness" (for which he is preparing to go to war), for Turkey, he may negotiate.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Re: Cypriotism (Cypriot Nationalism)



...while i can recount many "Greeks" not unlike "Turks", i won't.

And while i do not have the opportunity to see with my own eyes, there are in my family those who deeply love me and agree with me.

(...that is not to say that, in that regard, my family is undivided)

There is a big difference between Cypriots, and those who deny Cypriots exist.

...indeed, i am a stranger in Cyprus now. I would not recognise the city streets that were not there. But the people, i imagine are the same.

Cypriots, Greeks, "Greeks", and Turks i'd expect to meet, along with Brits, Russians, and Lebanese, who are my friends, much older perhaps, but people who have the same passion for their families, and the community that surrounds them, as loving individuals.

..."we", re B25 know the enemy is hate filled, but it is not a reason to despair.

While it is wise, and prudent, to prepare for War, because it (read: a "Turkish" enemy) really does loom near, and, at our very doorstep, let's remember that Love is an infinite power, that to "be" loving is a Cypriot way.

The reality is, that despite great efforts after decades, Cypriots still represent about half the voting public no matter how it has been divided. The reality is that Cypriots did not vote for Eroglu. The reality is that Cypriots now have a Turkish Cypriot representing them in the EU despite a great deal of resistance. I am guessing that this movement will grow because our elite will have no choice but to change themselves to this changing environment. And let's not forget the Occupy Movement, how quickly it grew, and in Cyprus what was expressed by Cypriot youth.

...i am still Hopeful.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Equal but side by side in a future Cyprus



In Quebec, like in Switzerland's cantons, citizens do not deny they are Canadians or Swiss.

...and America perhaps the most successful of BBFs, Hispanic, English, Black, White, New Yorker, Californian, gay, straight, Muslim, Atheist, or Christian, (all Persons,) who denies (as Individuals) they are American first?

Cyprus, and Cypriots (still) exist. Let's never forget the victims of "Greekness" and "Turkishness" because they were never really busy killing each other (this is the Problem), but, Cypriots; those not "them".