Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Europe


...and yet the other extreme, Turkey having everything she wants, has no benefit for the rest of us, those not "Turkish", never mind Cyprus.

(let's not forget the Jews and the Greeks are cousins too) (let's not forget that Greeks and Turks are cousins too)

...indeed, who thinks that Israel is naive enough to mix with Erdogan, a "Turk" but no Turk, it seems; a kin to no one.

A pipeline to Turkey is greatly beneficial, through Cyprus as a hub and an honest broker the region greatly benefits selling to Turkey gas, building capacity by integrating these infrastructures more broadly.

...Cyprus exists. If he wants the gas, there is no getting round that; friends with Israel, friends with Egypt, friends with Palestine, friends with Italy, to name a few, means friends with Cyprus too.

Monday, February 21, 2022

The future of Cyprus


...i will remind the author that both Canada and the USA are BBFs.

And, i suggest in Cyprus that in that regard "Greeks" and "Turks" are no different, both representing their electorate as Persons, representing Nations.

Yet, what of the Individual? What of the State?

Here is the Problem; that such representation for Cypriots does not exist effectively: affectively Cypriots Greek and Turkish have no representation as Individuals split as they are.

Let's not forget the mothers of those missing and found dead who remind us that while the "Greeks" and "Turks" were busy in their murderous sprees, they were never busy killing each other, but those not ''them''. it is, that Cypriots must seek each other out; crossing the line explicitly to stand as one, to retake the word 'enosis' and to give it a Cypriot meaning, to take our swords out to fill them with meat so that in making souvla we can share it on our beaches under the Flag that ''they'' treat as a rag, and which is the only one which is in fact 'ours'.

Friday, February 04, 2022

Niazi goes to court: "Nationalists can not stand a single Turkish Cypriot professor at the University of Cyprus, nor a Turkish Cypriot MEP"


...the question has become more obvious. Is there Cypriot representation for Cypriots as Cypriots?

Sadly the answer is no. (not yet, at least)

As Persons, of course there is an elite which leads, but they have made themselves impotent it seems toward acting against the mythological dogmas of "Greekness" and "Turkishness". Indeed, as Individuals, as Citizens in effect of one world, this sense of having a nature above such notions is lacking; for which we all suffer as Human beings, in defending these values and Principles.

...and what makes this man, "not Greek" (suddenly)? Must one be "Greek" to be Greek? And had he been Greek (and not Turkish) would he have been treated differently by the University? Was he "Greek" enough until it came to be that he too, represents Cypriots; now, not "Greek" or Greek? Absurd as they are, these questions warrant answers.

The Problem in Cyprus has never been the "Greeks" against the "Turks", in affect they are no different. To the Greeks and Turks who are Cypriot this should be abundantly clear by now. Thus, i am hopeful because the People, the other half as i like to call them have not spoken yet. Silenced or silent, they have the final word; Cypriots, may unite, (they may take back their beaches and their streets,) to speak aloud, that they want change, beyond "Them". such, these elites should tread carefully lest they believe their own rhetoric. This man represents the Cypriots that they dismiss and ignore, who have for decades as Cypriots voted for men like this, and against those candidates "Greek" and/or "Turkish"; winning, even separated as they are so unnaturally: Cypriots are not few, or an insignificant population.