Sunday, June 18, 2023

Chistofias Demetris, a letter sent today


...furthermore, I am obsessed with enclaves because:

1. the 'fait accompli' is an illegal occupation, and it is a demonstration of Intolerance at the Human level.

2. there is a Heritance, far too valuable to all Mankind, that is being dismissed.

3. the displaced, all of them, deserve their due, a recognition of their suffering, and this wrong, which is for at least some of them the Right to Return, as they were forced to leave, as communities.

4. the Settlers, and those that will be displaced, will gain Homes, rather than lose houses.

5. they are a useful function of political importance toward defining Bizonal, (for example) to the Palestinians if Isreal can emulate a Bicommunal nature with them.

6. Cyprus will have a rational development of its population growth where it, the island, remains the Principal to which we are all Stewards.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Tatar calls Christodoulides to start Atlılar excavation


According to media reports in the north, the Akansoy family lost 30 members.

During the burial, Akansoy, who was 17 at the time, said the events his family had experienced were the result of “the nationalist movement, mass fanaticism and rotten minds.”

“Therefore, what we must all remember that this mentality must be completely eliminated from our schools, religious places and all forms of power,” Akansoy said. He added that this was important so that such pain is not experienced again. (Cyprus Mail)

...let us remember who was murdered and made to disappear; not "Greeks", not "Turks", but those unarmed, civil, and more reasoned. 

Ask the survivors, Turkish or Greek what they want: a single Memorial so that they may all grieve as one. 

...linking this issue to the negotiations makes me wonder what Mr. Tatar hopes to gain, if it is the suffering of such families he is concerned with. He surely knows the CMP has this work as their responsibility; they call for more help from all of us, especially those who witnessed such acts, and most particularly the Turkish Army, their information would be instrumental.