Thursday, December 28, 2023

Political capitalism is thriving in Cyprus


...and what makes Cyprus so different to a countless number of other political authorities that seek 'control'?

The Problem, this 'usniss' which finds itself defined as Nationalism is too often used to divide populations, in affect to usurp an identity from the People of being Individuals, so that as Persons, (divided,) they may be defined to suit values which question Universal Principles. So it is in Cyprus where Grecophones and Turcophones are now divided so that as "Greeks" and "Turks" 'we' must rely on the very institutions and people that benefit from "this" dysfunction.

...just like the poor, it seems, we will always have the corrupt among us; they should be few accordingly because as a society being self-sustaining, as individuals we care for its welfare and as sentient beings as much as ourselves.

Enosis i say it unashamedly as a Cypriot who dares to see "Greekness" and "Turkishness" as the same, and both failed notions having brought so much harm to those of us who, as Cypriots, (the other half, the bigger half literally and figuratively who) instead believe in notions like Humanity.

...who would be against it if Cypriots stood together, as Cypriots, because they are against "This" corruption?

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Greece is all too often Cyprus’ reluctant champion

. is Turkey's National problem. is Greece's National problem.

( is the Treaty of Lausanne, having been "tossed out the window")

Indeed it is the problems the Problem has caused (in Cyprus, Turkey, and Ukraine, e.g.) which must be solved.

And knowing this, i am confident that a change in intentions may lead to a world where 'we' do not fight each other, such Hatred focused on real enemies (Lest we Forget) like Hunger, Disease, and the Plunder which hasn't ceased. ''Thisness'' will be on the table, as much as their relations as States.

...indeed, the "Greeks" and "Turks" (the people like "Them") have everything to worry about, their mythic reality on the brink of exposure; that instead, as Statesman, Universal Principles and their value are defended by these men.

What if these Leaders did not avoid the issues which plague 'us' the People, those of us who see ourselves as Individuals first, those of us who as Persons are respectful to the minorities living among "us", who in our Liberty as Peoples demonstrate the same Goodwill as in our Freedom as a People; Humans, beyond Imperial "Nations''? is Erdogan's game, his choice whether Cyprus is on the table or not; and beyond uniting his Nation Islam being a believer in God we Hope, he has under such a notion a way for greater service by bringing unity to us all.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Our View: How much longer can Cyprus hinder Greece-Turkey relations?


...indeed, "your" gripe is with Britain (legally speaking); they Leased the island from Turkey, taking it from "Them" the Ottoman remnants with the foundation of a Modern Turkey that is itself more torn apart than ever about "Turkishness" (also seeking Constitutional reform), and what it means with Erdogan's efforts to move away from Ataturk's (original) vision.

Cypriots, like Turks, and now Ukrainians are being torn apart from their Humanity for "This"; this is the Problem.

...and yet who denies their very existence but the "Greeks" and the "Turks", despite the decades where they have been torn apart, this island's dwellers. Who but Cypriots have held the country, and their identity, together having never once voted overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates despite the efforts put into a mythic reality where all Greeks are "Greeks" and all Turks are "Turks".

To answer your question Olcay, people are not chattel; those days one hopes are no more.

Cypriots are a People who put greater confidence in Universal Principles and who continue to defend these values, 'our' Basic Human Rights. In effect, i suggest Olcay if you are against "Greekness" you cannot be for "Turkishness", in Cyprus, because they are the same; Cypriots know this (so does the rest of the world).

Monday, December 11, 2023

Our View: How much longer can Cyprus hinder Greece-Turkey relations?

. accepting the premise of the headline, one assumes that Greeks will betray the very Principles of their own and Humanity's existence.

Indeed, given the world and the state it is in such a notion is possible. I see things differently though, because i remember "the Problem" as it was called in the early sixties then among Statesman, in Cyprus, the Cyprus Problem. And because i have greater confidence in Humanity itself despite the passing of years to decades. No doubt that Mr. Erdogan knows it well, the Problem, as well; with Turkey never more divided today. No doubt Mr. Putin knows it well with his (own) so called "Cyprus Solution" a few years ago in Georgia for example, and now in the Ukraine. No doubt a man like Mr. Biden cannot forget (in '74) his own Nation's failure to act, and to defend the Values and Rights of the People over the ''sides'' that were tearing them apart in Cyprus (since its inception), in an effort to usurp from Cypriots their Identity as Cypriots. No doubt the region has suffered overall without this solution. No doubt the world wants an end to this Problem which as problems, grows and festers.

...indeed, all things are possible. I imagine Erdogan, Putin, and Zelenskyy, standing together Heroes in the eyes of the world having solved (in the Ukraine, in Turkey and Cyprus) the Problem of a "perfect" political template where the People as Individuals have Freedom, and as Persons the Liberty to demonstrate their Goodwill as majorities in Goodfaith toward the minorities living among them: it is intentions that count.

Greeks and Turks have higher values above the "Greekness" and "Turkishness" some may hold Supreme; in Cyprus (e.g.) never once, since Denktash or Makarios has one of ''their'' candidates ever won overwhelmingly.

(...he comes having thrown out the window the Treaty of Lausanne (and having disrupted all his friends and neighbours) wanting better: this is something to think about, something to beware.)

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Erdogan to call for energy cooperation with Cyprus in Greek talks (Updated)


...i will not be surprised if the Problem in Cyprus, the same problem plaguing Turkey, and now, the Ukraine will find in Erdogan's leadership a solution; how else can he make this century Turkey's Century? is a matter of intentions, a BBF that works. And he is in the position to make such History.

If he is a man of God, then we may imagine he serves this unity above all else. So it is and so it should be with our own relations with each other: that as Individuals we are equally willing to defend each other and the Universal Principles our Human Rights are based upon, and, as Persons demonstrating this same Goodwill in Goodfaith toward the minorities living among us; that there are bigger enemies to fight than each other.

Such as it is, this man has "tossed the Treaty of Lausanne out the window" as he said, and so far nothing has prevented him from building his position from this premise.

...that train he calls Democracy, (by now he knows it very well), this time he may not get off, to reach a Legacy beyond "Turkishness" and where around the world (beyond "being" the Protector of a Caliphate in Istanbul) his name is held in the highest esteem as a man of Peace; bringing to all of 'us' Freedom, and, Liberty as a result (a little better defined).