Thursday, May 16, 2019

Çavuşoğlu: “We will continue our drilling works in the areas where the TRNC has granted a license”


One Country, one People, many Nations; does that describe Turkey?

...what of the Cypriots? Or is it as it is perceived, by Turkey, an island divided among its "Turks", and those not "Turkish", call them "Greeks".

...while Turkey drills in "disputed" waters, can't Cyprus do the same?

Indeed, Cyprus drills for Cypriots, can Turkey say the same?

...and what of the Treaty of Lausanne, as Erdogan has said, now tossed out the window? While Turkey bristles with her military might, through hostile acts she disrupts the balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean; how does this end without military conflict and more death? it oil, a fair share, or supremacy of the sea; she (he) wants?

While Turkey does not agree with UNCLOS, it is a template where all the other neighbours are willing to agree, that it is fair in its guidance. Turkey has taken a maximal approach, unlike a State recognising itself an equal among equals.

Turkey is divided, now, more than ever. "Turkishness" has torn Cyprus in two for decades; it tears today at Turkey's social fabric. Hope is needed. The tarnish that covers Turkey's affairs can be removed with a small change in intention, to much international esteem, hope for Turks (not "Turks") in Turkey, hope for the world with this Problem's end, if Cyprus is freed from its subjugation, its occupation, and that the work that Cyprus has done to bring these neighbours together is recognised.

There is a chair waiting for Turkey at the Forum, and chairs waiting to be filled if Turkey dares to join in Tripartite meetings with, Cyprus/Greece, and Cyprus/Syria, as well.

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