There is no excuse, that Turkey rules over ''us'', or that "Greeks" wanted to, that Cypriots suffered from this proxy war, or that "Turkey" expects Greeks and Cypriots to accept all the blame, as "Greeks" to suffer accordingly as a consequence, that "Turks" are blameless as though they represent all Turks, that where, Cypriots both Turkish and Greek are silenced in this myth, as though they never existed, their identity stolen in affect, dismissed by this Ignorance.
Our Leadership should know by now that Erdogan's intention for Cypriots, Turkish or Greek, is to leave them impotent, never at Peace, against each other exhausted from their preparations for War. And, there is no pardon for the pleasure murderers enjoy, from this. Regardless, the rest of us who must take the steps beyond, "this".
Who dare to oppose this plight, who is the "us", to overcome this fear and hatred through unity against "their" subjugation, to "be" Individuals; Cypriots, not only Persons? You? Who will join me?
I say a Cyprus divided is a Turkey divided. And, a Cyprus united, gives Hope, to Turks, not "Turks", in Turkey itself, now divided more than ever as Cyprus was divided decades ago, for "Turkishness". While the "Turks" think Cyprus will be changed by their will as their "National" cause unchanging (despite its failure with the Annan Plan, (Annan V was just too far)). It is Cyprus, and Cypriots, that have as much of a chance to change Turkey, now: by changing their intentions; if "this" is stopped. Something to think about. is no wonder that the Cyprus Problem goes on and on. Who holds the Agenda, and who dismisses the fact that Cypriots exist? "They", all of them, can be easily exposed though. "We", those of us not "them", can rally around the Flag of Cyprus, the Flag meant to represent all of us, as Cypriots. Buy Cypriot, make the effort to buy on 'the other side' from Cypriots by supporting each other, and (those who dare to fly this Flag especially, those as open-minded). Join in taking it to the streets, own a Flag of Cyprus, stick a Flag on your car, in support of Cypriots, as Cypriots, direct action (in loving ways), with a willingness to defend each other, (Greek and Turkish, Maronite, Russian and Philippine, Gay or Straight, Old or Young, Monk or Atheist, Businessmen, Doctors, Students, Labourers, Farmers, Mothers, Left and Right: all) with one Flag; who would be against such efforts? "Greeks", and "Turks" really need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to admit that their hands are covered in blood, not of each other, but those not "them"; Cypriots or those for Cyprus, most of their victims?
If a "Turk" or a "Greek' could not look out their window without seeing a Flag of Cyprus, Cyprus would become a different place. Also something to think about.
...who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag, i ask?
...good read, lot's of facts, thank you
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