Friday, August 23, 2019

Erdogan: there will be no gas without our involvement


It is Erdogan who declares that the Treaty of Lausanne, tossed out a window, is gone. It is Erdogan who finds himself the adversary of all his neighbours. It is Erdogan who by his claims and actions in this case, seeks to disrupt the balance of power, and in his maximalist demands seeks total supremacy of the Eastern Mediterranean, (and the Aegean). is not the oil or gas, per se.

But, i am hopeful because, with all the problems converging, linking them to the Problem, as Erdogan has done, it is possible for Peace in the region as a whole to find a comprehensive solution, with Turkey's recognition that Cyprus and Cypriots exist.

...if not for "Turkishness" (for which he is preparing to go to war), for Turkey, he may negotiate.

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