Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bicommunal demo on Friday to call for reunification



Indeed, beside the "Greeks" and the "Turks" there is the other half who call themselves, Cypriot.

Deny this as they will, this fact remains, while "they" may have there own candidates, after decades there remains enough of the Cypriot electorate to produce results that do not reflect "their" needs.

I recall the Occupy Movement, where in the Buffer Zone, thousands of Flags, the Flag of Cyprus, were hung, from children across the island, so that they too could demonstrate their solidarity: Cyprus is Cyprus; "We" are Human.

...more than the last election, this one if Akinci wins, will not be a referendum on Cyprus, but a clear demonstration that there exists a Cypriot voice not just Turkish but against "Turkishness".

I wish the demonstrators luck. Flags in Cyprus seem to draw so many extremes; i remember Solomou. And i remember Koray Basogrultmacı and Cinel Senem Husseyin, too. My Hopes are with them.

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