Thursday, December 26, 2019

Oh, Woe Is Poor Turkey…


…if i may add to a most interesting opinion piece, that, Cyprus, is the key to all these issues; i ask:

why must Cypriots be denied their identity as Cypriots, how is it that Turkey as a “National cause” denies their existence; are the Alevi not Turkish, or the Kurds? (never mind the Greeks and the Armenians they hardy exist in Turkey anymore)
…i ask, if Cyprus cannot be “Greek”, how is Turkey “Turkish”?

why has “Turkishness” taken the view that Turks, not “Turkish”, are their adversary, for decades in Cyprus, and now in Turkey, “it” tearing it apart? Is the world, that which is not “Turkish”, what willfully they are hostile toward, what “Turks” are against?

with the Aegean, and now Libya, linked to oil and gas, having been linked to Cyprus, will he negotiate a settlement of equals that is as comprehensive as UNCLOS, and a suitable improvement to the Treaty of Lausanne, having disrupted the balance of power, thus having brought the protagonists together?

…by recognising Cyprus, as Cypriot, he may have all these things; Fame, the esteem of all Humankind, Peace among all his neighbours, even Peace at home. He may find in such a notion, recognising Cypriots as a People whether Turkish or Greek, one country, that Cyprus may be made up of Cypriot constituencies, as Persons quite diverse as well, but that they support equally the Universal Principals on which, as Individuals they are prepared to defend each other.

…by tearing Cyprus in half, isn’t infamy his Legacy?

…is it in Cyprus that he is looking for the “perfect” BBF, something he can emulate?

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