Sunday, March 08, 2020

The real dilemma tormenting Greek Cypriots


Indeed, what is becoming apparent is that Cypriots, silenced for over fifty years, still have the same desire despite the efforts of "Greeks" and "Turks", holding the Agenda to define what a "Cypriot" will be, who deny that such an identity already exists.

...who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag, i ask?

And in affect it is those for "Greekness" or "Turkishness" who see their problem as being mutually exclusive. One in the same, no different, leaving those who see beyond the Person, as Individuals, ignored; Greek or Turkish. this the Problem?

People, the People, may choose to act, unlike this political elite, for Cyprus. It would not be hard to demonstrate their solidarity, since Flags are so important to "them", in Cyprus. It would be very clear, unignorable, if "they" could not look out their windows, or while in their cars, without seeing the Flag of Cyprus in numbers.

If we, as Cypriots, want to encourage more people like Koray Basogrultmacı and Cinel Senem Husseyin, we must join them in solidarity; we must find each other, overcome our own fear, and support their simple act: Greek or Turkish, by flying our Flag highest, the Flag of Cyprus.

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