Thursday, October 29, 2020

Erdogan’s inflammatory statements in favour of a two-state solution and his announcements on Varosha a gross provocation against Cyprus and its people

 …indeed, i ask again, who but AKEL can lead the vanguard from silenced to silent no more, in the occupied territories, as Cypriots Turkish and Greek under the Flag of Cyprus demonstrating this truth, that Cypriots are not few as those “Greek” and “Turkish” in their delusions deny.

Who dares to better define, what it is to be a Cypriot? Who dares to demonstrate as Cypriots, this fact with acts?

…indeed, without the People, what is AKEL but leaderless, if it is the People AKEL represents.

Also something to think about.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Lebanon targets gas and aid


...welcome news, a long time in the making.

It may seem a ridiculous dream, what with oil and gas being the center of so many wars, but in this case, where regional hegemony may demonstrate its power over Turkey and its desire to be in this sea its supreme controlling interest, I am hopeful.

The years of Turkish meddling in Lebanese affairs, relating to this issue, it seems, are wasted. Lebanon, like the rest of the world, (Muslim or not), respect the Universal Principals and the Rule of Law that define us, as Human beings. UNCLOS, and the Treaties of Lausanne and Sevres cannot be ignored, nor solutions that are not military. The Problem, in affect, the very root of this and so many other problems festers because of Erdogan's bigger aims. "Turkishness", as it is defined by him, puts all of us, not "Turkish", (in his "sweet isolation"), against him.

...Lebanon has made their choice, one that is unwavering; unlike those Libyans, in power, whose existence is secured by the UN, and who ignore the very principles on which their claims (over an EEZ) are based having Turkey's support.

Lebanon, like all its' neighbours, but one, remain committed to the notion that beyond a Nation there is a wider Family of Man; that real enemies exist and they are not each other. hopes there will be more to cheer, at Turkey's Centennial in two (three) years; that with a small change in intentions, to change the world, Erdogan may find the Statesmanship he is lacking: the difference between a Nationalist and a Patriot.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Tatar says working hard to get diplomatic recognition


...poor Mr. Tatar. I am waiting for him to make himself a fool suggesting his social-economy is acceptable as it is, to the EU, as an equal to the Republic. I am waiting for Mr. Erdogan to make a fool of him on an International stage, as he did to Mr. Talat, (who remembers the Grand Prix in Istanbul?), and Mr. Akinci, (presented as the "President of the TRNC" at an International Gala, but not important enough just one week before to sit at his daughter's wedding). But perhaps, this time it will not be Erdogan, but the People who will make him look small.

Perhaps i have a long memory, i think it is a Cypriot trait. I ask, how long will it take for Cypriots, Turkish and Greek, to understand that those "Greek" and "Turkish" are one in the same, that like Mr. Tatar their values are not Cypriot values, and that existentially, this Identity, Cypriot, will be usurped from them silenced. long will it take for Greek Cypriots to join with their brethren at the very root of the Problem today, in the occupied territories, to declare, as Cypriots, that such a People exist no longer silent, under the Flag rightfully theirs, and as people, peacefully, in solidarity and in public demonstrations, exposing this fact to "them", to the other half, what elections have revealed for decades, that their delusion as "Greeks" or "Turks" who believe that only "they" may define what a Cypriot will mean, (that Cypriots in their minds are very few), is wrong.

Mr. Tatar is Erdogan's man; how will he feel when again banners say Assiktir Turkiye with thousands behind them.

...and who is Tufan, who came in third; i am very hopeful that AKEL will help his drive to keep Cyprus united, taking again the opportunity to join with all kinds of Cypriots, (as an example, what they did to find a candidate, now Cyprus' MEP a Turkish Cypriot), like DISY, a party not necessarily for "Greeks" who must follow in finding Cypriots as support, fellow conservatives who can agree on such a (read: their) Platform for Cypriots.

...and let's not forget the youth, what "Turkishness" represents to them. Such a dogma is an anathema to what they want in terms of Freedom, what expresses the love they have for Cyprus, and that as the (future) stewards of this island what they see as better reasons for remaining united, a People who live as people by the Rule of Law, as a State based on Universal Principals, and as Individuals, equals, without further distinction or discrimination.

...if i was Tatar, i would ask, where is the Greek Constituency? (If it is a BBF Greeks are seeking;) Who represents these Persons called Greeks? Who politically is his equal if a President represents Cypriots as a whole?

Indeed, what of Cypriot Constituencies? All of them, i imagine, have the same basic needs toward promoting their own distinct identities. Who doubts that Cypriots, with such a "mentality" could not find a Cypriot solution if Sovereignty was not on the table. But, Tatar seems at peace with being a "Turk", and i am not Tatar.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

elections in the illegally occupied territories


...frankly, i am hopeful.

What harm will Tatar do but piss off the electorate who identify with the island as their home?

...indeed the "Greeks" and the "Turks" will seek to express a sentiment that escalates the enmity between them; this time Cypriots may not be so easily led as such, instead by representing themselves, on the streets, exposing "them".

AKEL, the Unions and the urban masses, have a big role in demonstrating, under the Flag of Cyprus, that such a thing as a Cypriot Identity already exists.

...DISY too, has a role to play, by finding candidates (as MEP, e.g.), and a team, from all walks of Cypriot life; as Cypriots, who will support for President, their choice in the next election campaign.

What better time to define the difference existentially, "Them" and "Us"; and on so many levels.

...what better way to express this unity, but in the occupied territories, peacefully and under the Flag of Cyprus?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tatar says ‘TRNC’s freedom’ must be respected, Akinci takes swipe at Ankara (Update 3)

. is a good day for Cyprus. Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots still represent about half the population in the occupied territories, despite the meddling in their elections by the mythic "motherland" (read: Erdogan).

...who is Akinci, in any case, a Cypriot? He had many chances, from the day he was elected to demonstrate this fact; perhaps they have chosen very wisely.

Indeed, the result was not the one expected; by the numbers Akinci should have won. This demonstrates, to me, even more clearly what is to be done. A Leader of Cypriots, Turkish or Greek, cannot sit on the fence, as Akinci continued to do in face of his isolation by and from those for "Turkishness".

...Turkish Cypriots want some form of self-representation, this much is also clear.

I ask, where are the other Cypriot Constituencies?

Who, as Individuals cannot stand with other Cypriots, for Cyprus, to defend the Universal Principals on which such a notion is based?

...who as Constituencies, as Persons, have needs any different (either)?

If splitting the island in two, is not what Bicommunal and Bizonal mean; what do they mean?

So far, our Leadership has not demonstrated their commitment to finding answers to these questions. This will change because the youth do not see dogma, like "Greekness" or "Turkishness" suitable models, what with their lifestyles and concerns. Only as Cypriots can they enjoy this island Free, to be good stewards toward it.

Only as a People, can Cypriots enjoy the Liberty of nurturing beyond that, as people, their distinct identities.

Tatar, is now the President of a so called country already sullied by its only promoter as an impotent title.

The opposition to it will regroup only stronger, given that the existential threat to Cypriots has increased.

...i am hopeful.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

A letter to the President

 Dearest President,

Somewhere in the USA, someone read today from my blog, the comment I am sending to you.

...i ask, despite such a notion's possibility, is it correct; in terms of the system we have (in need of reform), and its intention: is this not the way we may communicate, starting from the Constitution itself?

What is Justice seen, what is confidence building, what is ultimately what Cypriots are waiting for, need, and want (from their Leaders)? 

First, needed is a single step together, you and Mr. Akinci, the most dangerous of all, to stand together under the Flag which rightfully "belongs" to all Cypriots. Thus, enjoined (read: enosis) to banish "Turkishness" and "Greekness" as the same, in the name of  Cypriots; and, as an adversary to such hatefulness, as Cypriots: under the Flag of Cyprus for a Cypriot way standing together. 

To be sure, there will be much shock and opposition to such a notion, that Cypriots exist; (but) from who? 

And if you dared Akinci, after this/his election (holding cards, isolated as he has been, because of his "Cypriotness" (if you will).as the adversary to Erdogan's subjugation) would he find himself with you standing beside him, "being" Cypriot, taking that plunge; because as Cypriots, what is clearer between the two of you is that, Cypriot lives matter?

As such, it is natural, that from the population that sees Cypriots as non-existent, to see outrage; for Cypriots, to expose them, (and to much International esteem,) is that a bad thing? 

There is no denying it, what with Akinci's election win, as I surmise, on Sunday, negotiations between the two of you will become the priority.

The Flag of Cyprus, indeed, by standing under it unifies; making Cypriots equal: like in Turkey no less (and in Greece), as the People, great in their diversity, a State, because as people standing under it they defend the Universal Principles on which it is based, not just the Nation and the distinct identity on which they may identify as Persons, more but that too "being" Individuals.  

   'Just for Cyprus'; under such a Banner: who dares?   

If you stand under the Flag of Cyprus, who can doubt that the People, Cypriots will stand beside you. 

If you stood under the Flag of Cyprus, together, with Akinci in the occupied territories, wouldn't those who gather better define Cypriots, the People? 

...certainly something to think about.

"Turkishness", a scourge beyond our borders, and in Turkey itself, to get rid of it now, is, in effect, our goal; it can be rid of here, in Cyprus: united, as Cypriots. 

Cypriots, and Turkish Cypriots at the vanguard, not the Alevi or the Kurds, not the Greeks or the Armenians, not the EU or USA, remain the greatest threat to this dogma, at its very root, what is Erdogan's dogma, "Turkishness"; despite having been silenced, torn apart now decades, not usurped: for so long a force as voters representing about half the population (and more) any way its counted, Cypriots.

..also something to think about.


Most Respectfully Yours,



Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Disy video publicises Turkey’s illegal actions in Varosha (with video)


DISY should be looking to Turkish Cypriots, against this injustice. Just like the "Greek"/Greek divide, Cypriots who are Turkish represent about half the population of the "Cypriot Turk" regime.

...who represents Cypriots, as Cypriots i ask? Who will give Turkish Cypriots their support against this unnatural divide? All "Turks" may support these illegal acts in Varosha, but Turkish Cypriots do not.

I had hopes with AKEL's win, their Turkish Cypriot candidate now Cyprus' MEP, that it would change what is the electoral frontier forever. But then again, i still have hope that those silenced for so many years will represent themselves, by demonstrating under their Flag, rightfully theirs, the Flag of Cyprus, if their leadership will not.

...who remembers "Asiktir Turkiye"? It was not so long ago. (Or, the Occupy Movement which put Cyprus, and Cypriots, first.)

Cypriots (again) could join together, this time around. The People (despite the Leaders) always have this power.

..."Greekness", like "Turkishness" represent the same side of the coin, in Cyprus. Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, represent the other. It is not so hard to understand, yet for decades such a notion has been dismissed because it would mean overcoming the fear within ourselves as Cypriots, in recognising this as fact.

..."right wing", being Conservative, does not mean "being Greek" (or "being Turkish"): Cypriot lives matter.

The world can do nothing in practical terms for Cypriots. Cypriots (collectively) could do more with a Leadership that has a mind that speaks to, and for, all of them. DISY, and AKEL, both fail Cypriots in this regard.

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Can an end be found to one of the world's oldest conflicts? | Inside Story


Turkey in Syria.

Turkey in Libya.

Turkey in this sad affair.

How did she become involved? can see a pattern.

Oh yes, Turkey in Cyprus.

Turkey in Lebanon

Turkey in Israel

Turkey in the EU

Turkey in the USA

(Turkey in Greece)

...none where Erdogan's Turkey is trusted as a reliable friend.

It is Turkey i worry about, its People, because they (will) suffer most, for "Turkishness".

This conflict, like so may others is Erdogan's game.

...yet, with a small change in intentions, on his part, he may demonstrate the wisdom needed to solve the Problem; all these problems.