Dearest President,
Somewhere in the USA, someone read today from my blog, the comment I am sending to you.
...i ask, despite such a notion's possibility, is it correct; in terms of the system we have (in need of reform), and its intention: is this not the way we may communicate, starting from the Constitution itself?
What is Justice seen, what is confidence building, what is ultimately what Cypriots are waiting for, need, and want (from their Leaders)?
First, needed is a single step together, you and Mr. Akinci, the most dangerous of all, to stand together under the Flag which rightfully "belongs" to all Cypriots. Thus, enjoined (read: enosis) to banish "Turkishness" and "Greekness" as the same, in the name of Cypriots; and, as an adversary to such hatefulness, as Cypriots: under the Flag of Cyprus for a Cypriot way standing together.
To be sure, there will be much shock and opposition to such a notion, that Cypriots exist; (but) from who?
And if you dared Akinci, after this/his election (holding cards, isolated as he has been, because of his "Cypriotness" (if you will).as the adversary to Erdogan's subjugation) would he find himself with you standing beside him, "being" Cypriot, taking that plunge; because as Cypriots, what is clearer between the two of you is that, Cypriot lives matter?
As such, it is natural, that from the population that sees Cypriots as non-existent, to see outrage; for Cypriots, to expose them, (and to much International esteem,) is that a bad thing?
There is no denying it, what with Akinci's election win, as I surmise, on Sunday, negotiations between the two of you will become the priority.
The Flag of Cyprus, indeed, by standing under it unifies; making Cypriots equal: like in Turkey no less (and in Greece), as the People, great in their diversity, a State, because as people standing under it they defend the Universal Principles on which it is based, not just the Nation and the distinct identity on which they may identify as Persons, more but that too "being" Individuals.
'Just for Cyprus'; under such a Banner: who dares?
If you stand under the Flag of Cyprus, who can doubt that the People, Cypriots will stand beside you.
If you stood under the Flag of Cyprus, together, with Akinci in the occupied territories, wouldn't those who gather better define Cypriots, the People?
...certainly something to think about.
"Turkishness", a scourge beyond our borders, and in Turkey itself, to get rid of it now, is, in effect, our goal; it can be rid of here, in Cyprus: united, as Cypriots.
Cypriots, and Turkish Cypriots at the vanguard, not the Alevi or the Kurds, not the Greeks or the Armenians, not the EU or USA, remain the greatest threat to this dogma, at its very root, what is Erdogan's dogma, "Turkishness"; despite having been silenced, torn apart now decades, not usurped: for so long a force as voters representing about half the population (and more) any way its counted, Cypriots.
..also something to think about.
Most Respectfully Yours,
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