Monday, November 23, 2020

The last mile: the significance of political equality


...and what have we learned as Cypriots? Such as it is, "Greekness" and "Turkishness" have found a way to divide us and leave us silenced to their usurping of such an Identity. But, the result from decades of this brutal assimilation is a People, which despite it remain.

Such as it is with God, the Cypriot way: a choice., respect toward each other; those who serve Lovingly.

Indeed, our Faith, as Cypriots, is united. Having many Faiths who stand together in such celebrations are not uncommon here. Yet, our Leadership in all its forms has let us down; on this i will agree. It seems that way because they have taken the position of their worst extremes, and this is a corruption that willfully dismisses what is a simple fact: Persons like Individuals are not so easily defined but by merit. (the words, charity, and grace, come to mind.) That, despite all our differences, there is, (even in a world of many gods, or none,) one God.

Perhaps Individuals, like Persons should not be defined, but recognised, in Cyprus.

"Greeks" like "Turks" are a Political myth, Cypriots are real.

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