Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Top Re: China knows how to take care of business!


...lists, impeccable Government lists have been found that document the atrocities you speak of Paphitis, and (ten years later) beyond firing squads against people who riot, their "education" continues.

Yes, Erdogan picks and chooses; here is hypocrisy as an ultimate example. While he is building his Nationalist dogma, (a Caliphate) larger than States, in Libya, in Sudan and most recently in Azerbaijan, (in Syria, Iran and Iraq), (in Pakistan and Indonesia), "Turkishness" does not reach the Uighur despite the unspeakable crimes they are suffering, because they are (Chinese in his mind, or) something else, i suppose; Turkish perhaps, but not like "Turks" (unlike the "Cypriot Turks", but like Turkish Cypriots, for example).

...both Erdogan and Xi are complicit in their questioning of Humanity's resolve toward defending Universal Principals; they take "us" as an adversary, and to their own advantage, they are masters of Individualism.

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