Sunday, May 16, 2021

‘Satisfied’ with Geneva, so now what?

Enosis. It is about time for Cypriots to identify themselves as Cypriots. A way of life that is natural to them. Such a word, today may be taken back by Cypriots, to mean the union of Cypriots, and for the Universal Principals that define us as Human beings, united, equals with the same responsibilities and benefits.

Whether Turkish or Greek, Cypriots represent about half the population, let's not forget. "Greeks" and "Turks" have dismissed this fact for decades in their attempt to usurp this Identity, claiming they are few, so few they don't exist politically speaking. I ask, how many are they, who treat this Flag, the People's, Cypriots', as a rag?

...and who would resist a movement or a demonstration of "Cypriotness"; who would they expose?

Such as it is, soon i imagine, Cypriots will have to stand up for who they are, because the question is an existential one, not a question of values. "Being" a Person is important (Liberty); but, would you give up your Individual Identity (Freedom), for "it"? And what is wrong with a BBF? Canada is a BBF, so too the USA; intentions count.

We can reflect on "Greekness"; defeated as it was then, by Greek Cypriots who overwhelmingly denied their support for the coup. Cypriots may see in "Turkishness" a way of life which is actually no different. Certainly, both have demonstrated that as dogmas, "they" have no respect (or trust) in "others"; that they are the Problem.

...let's not forget what "Turkishness" is doing to the Turkish People in Turkey, now; what a powerful message "Enosis" in Cyprus of Cypriots could mean, to those it oppresses there.

...i imagine "picnics" soon, i imagine we will see a lot more of the Flag of Cyprus, this summer.

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