Sunday, July 18, 2021

Our View: Our leaders paved the way for Varosha fait accompli


..indeed, a biting piece and bitter; something to think about, given the circumstances.

But, it is no longer up to our Leadership if they continue to define themselves, not as Cypriots, but as "Greeks" and "Turks". The People, half of which have for decades consistently voted as Cypriots, (the "Greeks" and "Turks" having their own candidates), are ignored. This much is becoming clearer, the People must speak for themselves.

...indeed, picnics are something Cypriots are good at. "Picnics" being the subject of our existential demise, as Cypriots, it will be no surprise if Cypriots, under the flag "they" treat as a rag, under the flag rightfully theirs, we will find them on the beach making souvla, together united peacefully, exposing those who won't join in their festivities.

Erdogan is practically begging for such a demonstration. And such a demonstration, Cypriots, the People, united, is Hope for Turkey, now that the same "Turkishness" is tearing its Citizens apart, and for the same reasons. They too need Constitutional reform, and in Turkey, such a notion, a BBF, is just as inviting. Also something to think about.

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