Monday, August 02, 2021

Why patience remains key to a federal solution


...indeed, we need cooler heads to prevail.

And yet i can't help but hope that for the changes the People want, they will speak for themselves.

"Picnics", what better way for Cypriots to express their joy; under the Flag that "they" treat as a rag. What better way to express what is the case, like Eide said, left alone they would solve the Problem themselves. Indeed, we can blame COVID for the lack of public demonstration, but what better way to take back our beaches peacefully, than by making souvla on them, together in solidarity Turkish and Greek, as Cypriots?

...who could be against such a notion, that Cypriots exist?

Simply put, the Problem is not "Greeks" vs. "Turks", nor is it Turkish Cypriots against Greek Cypriots; it is "Greeks"/"Turks" vs Cypriots: Turkish and Greek.

And, those of us Greek Cypriot, i hope you remember that Turkish Cypriots represent the greatest threat to the "Turkishness" Erdogan seeks to define for all of us who value the Universal Principals on which Humanity is based. They are the vanguard which needs our help. United as Cypriots "we" are a force equal to "it"; something which brings Hope (perhaps a new meaning for the word enosis) not just to ourselves but to the greater world, and to Turkey (also divided as a People by its "Turks").

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