Friday, September 10, 2021

Re: The Education System in the GRoC


...i also remember cowling in fear when the British were around.

Fear for those of us who did not pick sides, while we may have been few, was abundant.

...i may have been, and i may be Greek, because i speak Greek, and i live in a Greek household, but please don't call me "Greek". We are not so hateful, and it is as offensive as "Turkishness" to me.

...and yet, in the late fifties and early sixties, what shocked me most were the men from so far away who i saw in pictures hanging from trees; was it Life magazine, this too in America: all whites are "White" you say?

My luck had it that our neighbours were Turkish. My 'tribe' were these neighbours, and the family i knew as my own. I grew up in a village where as cooperators we sustained our way of life; and we lived well, because of this nature. In that regard both the Greeks and the Turks who were from a different political view became apparent; they became a "Them" to us, our fear was even more real with Cyprus free, more of a reason to be silent and unseen.

...indeed, when i was around "Turks" i was much more nervous than when i was around "Greeks"; it makes sense for you to feel less angst among "Turks" for the same reason. "They" are murderous traitors no different just the same.

It comforts me to know that once a year, despite what tore us apart, despite the decades, as a village we meet (in Larnaca) to celebrate our festive day together; indeed those "Greek" and "Turkish" find such behaviour disruptive, but no one has stopped us from doing that, yet.

...more "picnics" are needed, i think.

People, the People, with no one speaking for them, may well speak for themselves; as Cypriots, if we gather as Cypriots, would you be against it, who would be against it?

...whether Cypriots, Greek and Turkish existed, few or many, may be debated; that they still exist cannot.

And yet that is your denial. The State may well be dysfunctional the way it is, who can disagree with you? Its mine, like it is yours, though; not the Leadership's let's never forget. These, so called governments function, they may serve their electorate well, (but not the voters), not Cyprus; 'we' may have to make this clearer to them. Divided this way, unnaturally, without respect and trust, to Cypriots, is no solution. Diversity counts; was it you who said, "Fuck them"? is it Black men no longer hang from trees? (...not the "whites" or the "blacks" made this happen; Americans made this happen)

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