Friday, October 08, 2021

Turkey ‘will not allow’ research ship to continue operations off Cyprus and Crete


Actions create equal and opposite reactions. Ask all of Erdogan's neighbours, and a great many in the International communities with which he is engaging. Having "tossed out a window", the Treaty of Lausanne, Turkish hegemony does not look so inviting. Indeed, he can be credited as having done the most to bring this region together; witness the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum.

...while this incident is mundane; just another on a very long list in affect, i ask, will he go too far?

Let's remember that in two short years he will have to face his public in another election; and his own reckoning with the Legacy he is working so hard to make, for Turkey, on Turkey's Centennial: that shines or remains tarnished, living in Fame to much international esteem or infamy. seems that everything is linked to the Problem, as it has expanded beyond Cyprus, leaving the Cyprus Problem to become but a problem among many. "Turkishness", as it is, questions Humanity, its values and resolve; this is but one small example. It is not a threat to Cyprus alone, but a threat to all of us who are unlike "Them".

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