Monday, May 16, 2022

Cyprus and Israel: Lessons from the pursuit of lasting peace in the Eastern Mediterranean


Divided as they are, the People of Israel and the People of Cyprus, most certainly there will be no solution. As in the Ukraine, watching it in the process of being torn up, in this problem too, the Problem is exposed to be the same for all of them.

Indeed as Persons they differ and their extremes see the solution through brutal force toward each other.
( convenient for "Them", the other half their hapless victims mostly unarmed and civilians.)

Where is the Humanity beyond that? Where is the Peoples' representation as Individuals; without further distinctions or discrimination, equals in defending the values and Universal Principles that make it so?

...hijacked, the Agenda.

Must Cypriots be "Greek"? Must Turcophones be "Turkish"? Must Israelis be Jewish? And Russians, not "Russians", in the Ukraine (and in Russia), don't they exist?

...i ask the readers to recall that the USA is a BBF (Bizonal Bicommunal Federation); as a Modern concept, (just predating the French Revolution) it was the very first as a matter of fact. That within a State (where there exists a Rule of Law and Good Government), Individuals are Free to express their thoughts without fear, to travel and to associate accordingly. And, having constituencies (at another level of government), this Liberty, as Persons, allows for such distinct identities to thrive, to share in Goodwill and in Good Faith, as Majorities recognising and respecting the Minorities that live among them by providing in their Agenda these special needs as well.

So it is that intentions count.

In Cyprus, i am hoping it is the beaches Cypriots will take to make souvla together at their own "picnics" this summer; that would make a most hopeful change and a fine example, difficult to ignore. I suggest in Israel the same, demonstrations of Israelis, Arabs and Jews wanting change, because it will expose those against such a notion, "Jews" and "Arabs" (as they define themselves unable of such tolerance). In either case, it will become that much more difficult for "Them" to dismiss (in effect about half the voting population) as insignificant and too few to matter, with the People seen to be united; that too is a great step forward.

...yes, i am hopeful (still) having Faith in the notion of 'Us', as those not "Them".

And in the Ukraine at this moment three men of great talent will decide their own fate, as Heroes, by ending the(ir) Problem(s) that they all know too well, (with a solution, by all of us defined as "perfect"; where an Individual is most clearly defined and that as Persons they (these Citizens) are given the capacity to demonstrate this respect and trust toward each other accordingly: perfect because all countries may emulate its values, held in such esteem), or, as failures living with its infamy, possibly (one) facing War Crimes as a consequence.

(n.b. Erdogan too, now faces the divisiveness of "Turkishness", at home beyond Cyprus tearing at the very fabric of his own State; in his own Constitutional reform, (and with an end to the Problem recognising Cypriots as well) on time for Turkey's Centennial in two years: will a BBF do just fine?). (And of Putin, having sacked Russia's Democracy, (to a lesser BBF, and one far more militaristic); is this "Russianness" better, if not what will he change it to, again?)

Or, is it Zelinskiy who will cave around such men, under so much pressure to choose reaching no further than "Ukrainians" where "being" Ukrainian is far more complex? (...the answer to this question, if "They" remain unchanged i fear most of all.)

Change (as in intentions) would seem imminent, everywhere, what with the existential questions we face as a race called Human, what with real enemies like Hunger and Disease to fight; we should not be fighting each other (lest we Forget): Ignorance perhaps is the greatest enemy of all.

...the Problem is the problem (or is it the other way around?); in Cyprus, in Israel, (in Turkey), and now soon to be it seems in the Ukraine; our world missing the point as yet. As Martin Luther King said, beyond desegregation is integration, and as Rev. Tutu said, "This" must stop; two men who know the Problem well, it is something to think about all around. (dare i say and in the USA "Americans" abound).

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