Monday, August 08, 2022

Taking the Cypriot people for a ride


...indeed, your plaint well said; all of them interlocutors (except Makarios, despite what some may say were errors, who passed four (five with the coup) assassination attempts for "being" Cypriot). And having excluded Erdogan's escalations of the recent past.

There is only one way it seems for the People to get what they want today; as Individuals, dignity and respect, their Basic Human Rights, equal with no further distinction or discrimination, to "be" Cypriots, and it is to unite (on our beaches having picnics under 'our' Flag, the one "They" treat as a rag, the Flag of Cyprus in peace), in enosis you might say, as a political choice giving it a Cypriot meaning that those for "Greekness" and "Turkishness" would rather have the rest of us ignore as out of place.

...who says 'we' are few but "them"? Let's not forget that even unnaturally divided as Cypriots, they vote, never less than half of them, Turkish or Greek, for candidates that are not "Greek" or "Turkish". It says quite a lot over the decades, i think.

Let's say, to be more accurate, that the leadership on both sides of the Green Line having their own power in mind are failing 'us', given that their representation of Cypriots, as anything but "Turks" and "Greeks", is entirely lacking from their Platforms.

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