Thursday, October 20, 2022

Why the Turkish-Libyan MOU has enraged Libyans and regional countries


...and Egypt how important is Egypt to Turkey; brothers?

Not only Libya between them, but the whole region when it comes to gas; what with the East Med. Gas Forum. Where else does Palestine sit as an equal with Israel, as with all its members (but Turkey who chooses to leave her chair empty) united.

...never mind the very institution which gives this Presidency in Libya its credibility: the UN; UNCLOS ignored.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu gives interview to TRT about UNFICYP 


...let's remember who died at the hands of "Greeks" and "Turks" because for the most part they were not busy killing each other. Greeks and Turks were their victims in their murderous sprees, those unarmed, civil, and more reasoned.

...let's remember that the UN is not here for "them", but for 'us', the other half that can be called Cypriots, who, despite decades of being unnaturally torn apart vote as Cypriots; "their'' candidates never having won overwhelmingly even once. Deny it as much as "they" want, Cypriots are not few, they are silent perhaps, respectful, but in the privacy of the polling booth they speak strongly.

Who does Mr. Tatar and his government represent, if he chooses to represent himself as "Turkish" first, (is this the Problem) in affect denying the existence of a Turkish Cypriot identity, in affect denying all Cypriots their Individual Rights?

Erdoğan: Cyprus solution possible with Turkish Cypriots recognition


...indeed, if there was a Greek Constituent state that existed as an equal to other Cypriot Constituencies, Cypriots as Persons could have the self-representation they need to sustain such an identities successfully.

Needless to say that if Cypriots as Individuals had representation as a State, they as Citizens would have the capacity to defend their Basic Human Rights as equals without further discrimination or distinction, as well.

...a BBF is not just a good thing for Cyprus and Cypriots, it is a good thing for Turkey, given their need for Constitutional reform, given that Turkey too, as Persons is made up of more than one Constituency. (It is a good thing for Russia and the Ukraine.) All these problems solved, solving the Problem. 

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Hegemonistic ambitions over northern Cyprus

Hegemony exists already through the East Med. Gas Forum, for the region as a whole (in competition toward servicing other regions). Turkey (and Syria) have only to take their seat(s) to make it complete.

Whether it is Erdogan or another Leader in Turkey, they must take a long hard look at a BBF for the own Constitutional Reform (include now also the Ukraine (and Russia), beside Cyprus, who need one as well).

...a State, Basic Human Rights, (Freedom), where Citizens are treated as Individuals and as equals. And respect, (Liberty), recognition as Persons, having at another level of Government, Constituent states.

Turkey has never been more divided, internally among its People, and externally with its neighbours and friends.

Erdogan's fate is set: whether he (along with Mr. Putin and Zelenskyy) can solve "the Problem" plagueing us/them all, or live in infamy, warring, wanting more power; instead and as a Statesman having failed. 

...change is coming, that's for sure; things can't stay this way for ever..

Monday, October 03, 2022

Ukrainian Issue


...a revisionist like Putin cannot hide from people with minds. Technicalities on the war front mean nothing to a People willing to fight; however crude these opponents are in this regard.

War against Ukraine? No, a war against ('our') Civilization: against a rule for people, against a rule by the people; "Individual" Rights but only as Persons.

...the box called Stalin is empty, far more dangerous this man who fills it with his lies.

What is Putin to Russia if in (t)his war he cannot keep the trains working on time; indeed there are far more Russians than ''Russians'', and this is always something to keep in mind.

Indeed the solution is found, in the Problem's resolution; escape from its misery is not found with Putin's defeat, but by real change in all of us toward each other.

...let's not forget the bigger enemies left unattended from such Ignorance (and plunder), like Hunger and Disease, (i.e. Climate Change), enemies which if unresolved will kill us all.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Mutually-agreed solution to Cyprus problem ‘a fading scenario’, UN official says (Updated)


 ...the fact remains, even after decades of having been unnaturally torn apart, Cypriots are neither "Greeks" or "Turks". While "They" have presented their candidates to the voting public, not one has won an overwhelming majority. Cypriots may not have the representation they truly want, but such an Identity does not wane.

...what is the Problem? It is not a problem with Cypriots. They seek their Basic Human Rights, and they demonstrate this with lives defending the Universal Principles on which such Freedom for Individuals equally exists. It, is a matter of Persons, and their importance politically in such a hierarchy; who holds power, Greeks and Turks (call them Cypriots), or "Greeks" and "Turks"? ...ask: if there is a Republic and a Turkish Constituency seeking its recognition and respect; (because they do not exist) where are the other Cypriot Constituencies? What of Liberty having defined Freedom clearly enough? ...indeed, without a solution to the Problem, it has spread to become a problem among many Peoples: where "They" usurp the Rights of Individuals simply by ignoring them; defining people as Persons first.