Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Hegemonistic ambitions over northern Cyprus

Hegemony exists already through the East Med. Gas Forum, for the region as a whole (in competition toward servicing other regions). Turkey (and Syria) have only to take their seat(s) to make it complete.

Whether it is Erdogan or another Leader in Turkey, they must take a long hard look at a BBF for the own Constitutional Reform (include now also the Ukraine (and Russia), beside Cyprus, who need one as well).

...a State, Basic Human Rights, (Freedom), where Citizens are treated as Individuals and as equals. And respect, (Liberty), recognition as Persons, having at another level of Government, Constituent states.

Turkey has never been more divided, internally among its People, and externally with its neighbours and friends.

Erdogan's fate is set: whether he (along with Mr. Putin and Zelenskyy) can solve "the Problem" plagueing us/them all, or live in infamy, warring, wanting more power; instead and as a Statesman having failed. 

...change is coming, that's for sure; things can't stay this way for ever..

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