Tuesday, December 27, 2022

CyprusFeaturedGuest ColumnistOpinion A partitioned north will have trouble joining the EU



...indeed, among us Greek and Turkish, in Cyprus, live those who (as Persons) place a dogma like "Greekness" or "Turkishness" above the notions of a single Humanity where, as Individuals, without distinction or discrimination, we are prepared to defend the values it represents, each other, and our Basic Human Rights as such.

The Problem it seems has been forgotten long ago. And it is not isolated to be a Cyprus problem.

...indeed, it is not a problem between Greeks and Turks, nor is it a problem of "Turks" against "Greeks" (read: non-"Turks"), it is a problem of "Greeks" and "Turks" against Greeks and Turks. Turkey has the same Problem. And as it is evolving the Ukraine will suffer the Problem too.

A BBF (like the USA, which was the very first) is not hard to imagine in Turkey, the Ukraine, (in Russia), and in Cyprus and many other countries. States, based on Principles and the Rule of Law equally representing Citizens accordingly seems natural. Constituencies within these States where as Persons a Majority demonstrates its capacity to provide for Minorities living among them seems apt.

...indeed, Cypriots should be gathering under their flag, the Flag of Cyprus, the one "They" treat as a rag, on the beaches which "belong" to them, having picnics. Cypriots are not few. Let's not forget that despite the years we have been torn apart, "They" have never won an overwhelming majority at the polls. Enosis, the word that means to join together, needs a Cypriot definition.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Re: Ukrainian Issue



...indeed Pyr, it is a turning point.

The Problem solved not just in the Ukraine, but in Turkey and Russia and Cyprus too.

...and an end to Turkey's dispute with Greece, which has been linked to the Problem, in Syria, Iraq and Iran, and also in Azerbaijan, for the same reason; all of this is possible if in turn he changes his intentions having isolated himself.

Indeed, he (Erdogan) has his Legacy to think of. What with the Centennial and elections looming at such a turning point, what will he do but turn on a dime; he has boarded the train called Democracy before.

...Putin too wants Fame, and right now in his infamy he faces a War Crimes Tribunal; a solution that is "perfect'' he could include in Russia's Constitutional reform which can be emulated, like a BBF: where as a State Citizens have the capacity to defend their Basic Human Rights as Individuals, and, where as these People as Persons demonstrate the same respect and trust for each other by recognising the special needs of minorities living among them.

NATO's mission will change with such a Peace, i surmise that Russia will become a member, China too some day, protecting the high seas, a task that the US does at the moment world-wide, but for its Maritime traffic as its mission.

...Henry Kissinger does not say much (about Human Rights, e.g.), nothing new at least (about his thinking politically); History will judge him like the "America" he worked/is working for.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Re: The Official Erdogan the Clown Thread



...do not despair Lordo.

Like the "silent man" in Turkey not so long ago, we witness in China today the power of an empty sheet of paper.

...i have hope for Erdogan, because a small change in his intentions will mean fame for him (instead of infamy), and the adulation of all the world; ending the Problem in Cyprus and in Turkey, as well as Ukraine.

Indeed, he fights for "Turkishness" his dogma among dogmatists; but he is a man of God and as such he may have an epiphany in that he may better understand how one God (measured as a State and Nationhood) is served lovingly.

...call me a dreamer, but a BBF, having an identity as an Individual (what is Freedom), and having an identity as a Person (what is Liberty), is not so hard to understand; it is an issue of balance.

He may fight for Turkey instead, the People, not "his" people (the mythic Nation of Turan), but for all of us ''Turkish" or not; for our Basic Human Rights, more broadly for the respect and trust we have for each other beyond that.

..."preparing for War is the greatest road to Peace", so it is said; we'll see. (maybe at this point people will accept a solution as i've suggested)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Re: Ukrainian Issue



"They" have chosen to attack in the Ukraine, what did they expect; "the "Americans" to join them?

...let's be serious, it is 'us' their victims either way. Like plunderers everywhere, they hide in the crowds their greed makes.

Who takes words like America, or Ukraine, or Russia, or Cyprus, or Turkey, filling them with hateful enterprise for their gain but "Them"?

...Putin is no saviour. As i've said before, he is a wanna be.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

‘Cyprus ready to negotiate to reach settlement of any maritime dispute’



..."shareholder", as in, one man one vote.

Cypriots, are neither "Greeks" or "Turks". They are Individuals, who as Persons Turkish and Greek see a value in their identity to this land.

Cypriots are not few, Olcay, nor are they insignificant; there has never been an election, over decades even unnaturally torn apart, where one of "Them" has won an overwhelming majority. This too should not be ignored.

...indeed, you just have to look around you, if you live in Cyprus; living in the occupied territories "Turkishness", like "Greekness" in the south, are a bane to our existence since its extremes have held the Agenda all these years.

...i suggest to you that the Problem is bigger than what is dividing us as Cypriots, that Turkey too is more divided than it has ever been for the same reason. (So too the Ukraine as it is evolving). And a BBF in all these cases has no better solution for their Constitutional reform: where we can be Free as Individuals to defend our Basic Human Rights, and where we have the Liberty as Persons to promote our distinct identities.

So it is with our wealth in Cyprus: the cost and the benefit, while it may be shared it "belongs" to Cypriots, and as Cypriots for them to choose.

...Cyprus along with all its neighbours, are clear; they have already agreed to boundaries that respect international law (ie. UNCLOS) and they have joined together forming the East Med. Gas Forum where an empty chair awaits Turkey (and Libya) should they change their minds.