Saturday, December 17, 2022

Re: Ukrainian Issue


...indeed Pyr, it is a turning point.

The Problem solved not just in the Ukraine, but in Turkey and Russia and Cyprus too.

...and an end to Turkey's dispute with Greece, which has been linked to the Problem, in Syria, Iraq and Iran, and also in Azerbaijan, for the same reason; all of this is possible if in turn he changes his intentions having isolated himself.

Indeed, he (Erdogan) has his Legacy to think of. What with the Centennial and elections looming at such a turning point, what will he do but turn on a dime; he has boarded the train called Democracy before.

...Putin too wants Fame, and right now in his infamy he faces a War Crimes Tribunal; a solution that is "perfect'' he could include in Russia's Constitutional reform which can be emulated, like a BBF: where as a State Citizens have the capacity to defend their Basic Human Rights as Individuals, and, where as these People as Persons demonstrate the same respect and trust for each other by recognising the special needs of minorities living among them.

NATO's mission will change with such a Peace, i surmise that Russia will become a member, China too some day, protecting the high seas, a task that the US does at the moment world-wide, but for its Maritime traffic as its mission.

...Henry Kissinger does not say much (about Human Rights, e.g.), nothing new at least (about his thinking politically); History will judge him like the "America" he worked/is working for.

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