Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Biggest election losers? Cyprus’ largest parties



Mr. Christodoulides is beholding to no one in this election win but the people who voted for him.

...this bodes well, for the People.

One hopes the Ministers he chooses will be the best qualified for the job as a result.

...i was hopeful when AKEL succeeded in having elected a Turkish Cypriot as a Cypriot MEP; failing to expand upon the effort, nothing was done to demonstrate this same solidarity for people as a working class across Cyprus before and during the elections for a President of Cyprus: something to think about.

Parties will have to work harder to draw back the public's confidence lost; leadership will change, but more importantly their Missions must also change to become better representatives of Cypriots without further discrimination or distinction: whether it is only the "Greek Constituency" who are the voters or not.

...as Cypriots, enosis is a word 'we' must take back from the extremists who are still living among us by giving it a Cypriot definition, beyond Party lines most certainly, beyond the artificial ethnic divide absolutely.

...(DISY fails 'us' for the same reason.)

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