Saturday, May 13, 2023

Cyprus solution possible if state sits at table with TCs, Letymbiotis says

. is not the leadership that should be sitting at the table, 'our' concern. Nor should our anticipation of such a moment be the focus of our attention; in affect a Pyrrhic victory. In effect, it is up to us the People to speak for ourselves, in effect demonstrating the change 'we' want from them.

...enosis is just a word. If it has a special meaning in Cyprus it has yet to be defined by Cypriots, while "Greeks" and "Turks" have found in it the means to usurp this Identity; i wait for Cypriots to join on their beaches to make souvla.

...who are you? Ask yourself if you value the Universal Principles that make us as Individuals equals and Free more than the security of being a Person, in ''being'' this collective having Liberty. Think about it, this is the Problem.

Divided as "Greeks" and "Turks" 'we' have no Freedom.

...such as it is for the other half Turkish and Greek, without our individual acts of kindness one to the other waiting for "Them" to resolve their hatefulness toward "others".

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