I suggest that it is up to 'us', everyone of us who is Cypriot; there is no waiting for a Leadership to solve our problem (read: Problem) in Cyprus.
We must ''be'' Cypriot.
Turkish and Greek those of us, not "Greek" and not "Turkish" are not few as "They" would have the world believe. Let's remember even in this dysfunctional state divided as we are, as voters, over decades now 'we' have never once voted overwhelmingly for "Their" candidates.
We must end "Their" hateful enterprise, carefully and lovingly as Cypriots are and should be.
We must seek each other out, we must cross the "Green Line" specifically to trade and exchange socially, and, we must starve the "others" by avoiding such establishments.
We must demonstrate this desire openly and publicly to free ourselves of "This", together as Cypriots unashamed and under the flag that is our Flag, the one "They" treat and have treated as a rag long enough: it too is worth fighting for the Flag of Cyprus because it is 'ours' and rightfully so.
...indeed, i call for ENOSIS, to take back that word from "Them"; giving it a Cypriot meaning.