Thursday, September 21, 2023

Re: Ukrainian Issue


@ Ocean,

...yes, 'we' seem small when compared to "Them'', and in such a time of change it is hard to imagine that anyone will take care of 'us' but 'us'; hasn't this been the same way of life for Cypriots even before mobility and the Modern Age?

...but let us remember that when it came to these few, they fought back against the Imperialistic notions (read: corruption) that only replaced the Ottoman's in name, and, when so much Hope revolved around the great Principles which were taking shape at the time.

Cyprus gained its independence, EOKA rested. And such a legacy should have been credited to these men but for EOKAB which clung to their "Greekness" as a dogma unfulfilled just like the "Turkishness" which is equally as hateful (and for "Them" just as enduring). What did they do but fail with the coup that ended so quickly because Cypriots, Greeks, to be precise did not support it. "Turkishness" remains, and it too must be exposed by Cypriots. Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots may stand together, against "Them" (again), certainly Turkish Cypriots should not be fighting alone what is 'our' enemy; is it unimaginable?

ENOSIS is a word "They" fear: if it was ever given a Cypriot meaning, if 'we' can overcome our own fear to "be" Cypriot, if 'we' reject the reality "They" offer (and "Their" definition of who and what 'we' are). it is in the Ukraine: it is not a Russian war but a "Russian" war, it is not against "Ukrainians" it is against Ukrainians; this is the Problem. It is a problem that has been used by usurpers for decades now, where "This" must stop.

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