Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Cyprus problem gets lost in translation



...indeed, the Cyprus Problem got lost in translation.

It is as though "Greekness" and/or "Turkishness" are important, that "They" are more important than the Individual Rights and/or Identity of Cypriots that was usurped from them.

It is as though 'we' will be sacrificed, those of us who defend Universal Principles, those of us lost in this "translation'' neither "Greek'' or "Turkish", the other half if you will which for decades as voters have never betrayed the notion of their 'Cypriotness'; voting never once overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates, those who have remained civil and reasoned despite the fact that having voted for Cypriot representation for so long, they have so little of it.

...what is the problem in Cyprus: it is not about Greeks vs. Turks, or about "Turks" vs. "Greeks", it is about "Greeks"/"Turks" vs Turks/Greeks; this is the Problem. And, if you think about it, it is the same problem affecting Turkey in its Constitutional reform, the Ukraine as it is evolving, (and dare i say it the conflict of the "Jews"/"Arabs").

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