Saturday, May 04, 2024

Turkish Cypriot side hits out on Cyprus’ EU accession (2)


...the British did nothing and the "Turks" passed.

You/"You" call that support, i call that a failure on both their parts.

...what is clear, and fact, is that none of the Guarantors demonstrated the qualities of Integrity and Commitment toward the Universal Principles that as States 'we' expect from them.

(America too, in that regard, is not blameless.)

...let's remember if we were "Turks" and "Greeks", the island would have been divided as such long ago. And/But let's also remember, the voters who have not decided it is so, and, who have never betrayed their Identity as Cypriots Turkish and Greek even once by having voted overwhelmingly for one of "Their" candidates; this too is fact.

Cypriots are not so few that they are easily dismissed, as much as people like you MrH would like to believe, and as much as people like you would like to "be" defining 'us'.

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