Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Embargo: Brussels protest

Cyprus bicommunal discussion and chat forum : Brussels protest:

"Rude Gal, please don't forget, Cypriots have been isolated from each other, but half this population is old enough to remember a way of life far dearer. We call ourselves Cypriot, we are all people, even though we are identified, or forced to indentify ourselves as Turcophone or Grecophone.

There is nothing wrong with having great pride in your heritage, but for both of us this has grown over several hundred years, successfully. As a community we are the repository for Mankind, with roots dating back to Neolithic times. Our future, and our duty to this planet are far greater, than the adversarial competition which has been promoted for our consumption all these years.

Basic Human Rights can not be ignored. Even if it causes more suffering, it is the cost of our freedom. Turcophones and Grecophones deserve to call each other, founders of our Nation. Each has a right from this State to expect that their Individual Rights are defended without hesitation.

Where communities of people are concerned, self-determination is essential. Minority rights in either case are also essential. If this commitment is done through one or three govenments, is not that important. Most important, is that the normalacy of living without troops do divide us, can be realised.

Rude Gal, I cannot tell you how much I wish to return to my village (which is 'mixed'). I cannot tell you how much will be lost, if I cannot say once again, I am Cypriot.
Cyprus: three goverments, One capital and Free."

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Cyprus bicommunal discussion and chat forum : STAGNATION:

"What is hard to understand?.... at present there are two governing authorities.

By adding a 'Greek' authority, that mirrors its northern component the political issue will be resolved, because both 'communities' will have self-determination.

The State, (Republic of Cyprus), will have the necessary credibility, that it lacks at present, because it will not be seen to follow exclusively the will of the vast component we call 'Greek'. It will be sovereign, in defending our Individual Rights, and it will represent our will as a people.

Please imagine the island as it is today.
Take 12-14 spots, of various sizes, and scatter them over the island.

In my mind there are at least five in the south, and seven in the north.

This is the geographic solution to our problems with resetllement of "the many" who will be displaced, regardless.

And it guarantees the autonomy of the territories which surround these spots.

Your comments please....

Cyprus: three goverments, One capital and Free.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Cyprus, France and Austria play with Turkeys accession.

Cyprus Problem:

"To be fair,one cannot discount the thirty years of Denktash, in 'blaming' the impasse, today, on TPap. It is a solid indication that the will of the Turkophone population is for Europeanisation, and unification, with their agreement to the Annan Plan.

I believe the plan was rejected by 'Greeks', because it was unclear. Certainly the fact that no one had the time to even read it, played a factor in peoples' minds.

Since I am a Cypriot, I know that time is smelled, breathed in with the dust.

Being a Cypriot, I have the patience, to tend the land, to watch things grow, to know that beyond my life, these living things remain, to be tended by others of my blood, who have turned to the ages.

What is right is right. Cypriots, although it seems they are a minority, in the pool whose interest is this geographic space, have been steadfast on this issue: Their right to be in possession of their own land. I hope for their success because the histrionics of 'Greeks' and 'Turks' are greatly sullied by their recent exploits here.

Turkey will face a great deal of resistance because its policies are not favouring their population's individuality, nor their rights toward the expression of this will, fast enough. It will be seen to be against embracing change if it is not forthcoming on what was already agreed to.

Denktash was and still is an advocate for Turkish policy, Turkish speaking Cypriots remain isolated in this sphere. Without their contribution in the Republic as a State, all Cypriots are subject to instability and exploitation.
Cyprus: three goverments, One capital and Free."

Friday, April 07, 2006

Land Use, occupation and ownership.

Cyprus bicommunal discussion and chat forum : Detain Me Next Time Too:

Cyprus will become a multi ethnic community, even if it continues with its impasse.

Kifeas has a point. Under any other circumstance, in any other country, the Turcophone people would be a minority, with such due consideration, the limit of the States generousity.

However, Cyprus was, and still remains an experiment in geo-politics. Other countries, who gained their sovereignty, immediately following our own, are in worse shape, with their populations facing horrible suffering from the effects of indebtedness, and warfare. I like to think that the last thirty years have been peaceful, because that is our nature. The UN is far less successful elsewhere, while Turkey may have a great military tradition, it is not as refined as a country like Israel.

The "Greekness" of things is normal, so too the "Turkishness" of the island dwellers. Interestingly, even in this Forum, there is the warm exchange of this understanding, even with the ultimate isolation of these two communities from each other. What will be the difference if your neighbours origins are Russian, English, Asian, or Cypriot. All people crave their liberty. They unite in Government to put order to this desire for self determination, and good government is sovereign in protecting these basic rights.

A Greek or a Turk may be at odds over this territory, which they both seek toward exploiting its wealth. But in the case of Cyprus, we have allowed this personal identity to take a place in the nature of our governance.

The original experiment was for a State, and a bi-communal body which provided to each community the opportunity to provide for themselves the services they had a right to. The experiment failed, and its failing was in no small part caused by the Nationalistic ambition of those who had not yet realised the value of their opportunity for an expression which was unique, distinctive, and diverse, as it was their own.

This is not an issue of whether people who are Turcophone want or don't want to live with Grecophones. It is a question of what is right, and what sustains the betterment of the Human Condition. Truly, we the living will suffer whatever the change, or we will suffer waiting. In sacrifice, I ask, what stops us from uniting as a people, except the bond we have to our personal identity as "Turks" or "Greeks". Are we not Human?

So we can argue amongst ourselves the fine details, but if we stand divided, it is at our own peril.

Can the island be repopulated, as I have proposed in other threads?

Cyprus: three goverments, One capital and Free.