Saturday, September 06, 2014

No, Vladimir Putin isn’t another Adolf Hitler


...yes, one can "hope" that Putin can do better, for the lives of the dwellers on the land he grabs, than Turkey in Cyprus.
...Putin to me represents the biggest Capitalist supporter there is, I find it strange that he did not outright buy the Crimea, and whatever else he wants. It seems to me Russia has the money, and in the end, perhaps, in his new thinking something that can be emulated, rather than as it is perceived, plunder, having created so much enmity, no different to what occurred in the past elsewhere. is Humanity which is at war with its worst parts, Russia is not placing itself toward that service. Putin may still represent its good parts, or even its best qualities, because he has the power to do so. But, like all of us he must change himself in confronting his own fears. Let's face it, he is part of the 1%, (or wants to be), where the rest of us are the 99%. What of his legacy in Russia, or the "new" Capitalism he spawned, it is moments like these that are so filled with irony, where the revolution Marx predicted as inevitable could happen, when "we" realise who the "them" are, quite clearly, and act accordingly.

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