Thursday, September 18, 2014

Re: Interview with Cyprus Gov't Spokesman


...could it be that "we" were living in relative peace until the opportunity was taken to divide us into separate identities so that as adversaries an interlocutor could add their control. could it be that it is a happy coincidence for you personally, being Turkish, that being "Turkish" has it benefits? 

...does Cyprus count for anything, to you? unlike you, it seems, i can see the value of a Cyprus which secures our Freedom as Cypriots, and it is clear that we all stand to make significant social, and economic advances if as Individuals, we defend each other in a Unitary State. our identities as Persons do not have to suffer, they can thrive. but we must recognise that the Liberty we can have as Constituencies, (at another level of Government), even Bizonally, may demonstrate a priority for sustaining a distinct identity such as Greek, Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, Latin, (and English), but as Cypriots and as majorities (having control of an Agenda through self-representation as electors (and taxpayers)), that as such and with Good Will (and Good Faith) able to provide to the minorities among them respect and recognition.

...Cyprus exists, even if it is hostage to "Greeks", and "Turks" caught up in the vicious circle of their own hatred toward each other; they must overcome the fear they have within themselves. Cypriots exist, i should know being one of the displaced. it explains a lot when six were disappeared in my family, because we did not run away, we stayed; shame on the TCs as you say who have no respect for this fact. i am prepared to forgive the Individuals that committed these most hurtful acts, are you? i will not condemn all Turks as "Turks", i say, this is the Cypriot way, would you agree? i suggest to you (my friend) vp that you can better yourself with a better attitude of mind. 

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