Sunday, August 27, 2017

Time for a referendum regarding the Cyprus talks


...i suggest that dividing Cyprus for "Turkishness" will only lead to a Turkey divided for the same reason.
Cypriots are Cypriots. Turks are Turks. As Individuals they all have this interest: to defend their Freedom and the Universal Principals on which it is based. As Persons, and as Constituencies, their Liberty is secured from the trust and the respect they share for each other, as Persons, and as Individuals. A BBF for Cyprus is a matter of intentions. Let's not forget that the USA, for example is a BBF. A BBF for Turkey may not be so bad an idea given its own need for Constitutional reform. Cypriots are not so easily defined as "Turks" and "Greeks". Turks are not so easily defined as "Turks" and "Mountain Turks" (Kurds), or foreign (Alevi).
What is Cyprus but a template for the designs of its interlocutors; Turkey having taken its political fate to be an issue of National interest: what is Turkey is Cyprus. But what is Cyprus could be Turkey. As Turkey is being divided today, for "Turkishness", "Turkishness" has done to Cyprus in affect for the same reason. If it is that Cyprus is divided, it will be a Caliphate in Istanbul where "being" Turkish will not be enough. If it is that Cyprus is united, there is hope for Turks, in Turkey who are not "Turks".
Those who see a Cyprus divided should reconsider what it means to those not "Turkish". One Flag of Cyprus, one Flag of Turkey, should not be hard to understand. A Cypriot like a Turk are not necessarily "Greek" or "Turkish". Turks exist, Cypriots exist, despite the fact that "Greeks" and "Turks" deny this.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Turkish democracy might be dead — and things could soon get a lot worse


...i still have hope.

A Legacy for Turkey and all the Turkish People, or he may make his Legacy for "Turkishness"; these the choices, it seems to me.

Despite the odds, or because of them, Erdogan can change his intentions in a minute.

...think for a moment; what has "Turkishness" brought us: an island divided in two, now Turkey divided more than ever.

This is the Problem, Turkey's problem, it starts in Cyprus because what divides Cyprus divides Turkey.

...recall that the USA is a BBF, so too Canada, and Australia, as other examples. It is the Intentions which count.

Cyprus exists except for the "but one", why? Like in Cyprus, about half the population is "them" (read: "Greek" or "Turk" as one in the same). They hold the Agenda, and while there is much suffering, it is not "them" who suffer, it is those not "them", Greeks and/or Turks (read: anyone of another description). Decades pass, "Turkishness" grows badly tearing at the fabric there is toward more crisis.

But nothing lasts forever, and Erdogan knows this. Recognising the Republic of Cyprus is a choice, if it means that at another level of government there exists self-representation for Turkish Cypriots as Persons, it may mean in Turkey that Turks and not only "Turks" could have Liberty. A Cyprus, an equal to Turkey, an ally, is not anathema to his plans, it may consolidate them. Indeed, it gives hope to Turks who are not "Turkish", a Cyprus reunited, and it may serve as a template for Turkey's own Constitutional Reform.

It is Mr Akinci therefore, who holds the key to Freedom in Turkey, i think. If instead of representing "Turkishness" he represents himself as a Cypriot, a Constituency's Leader, he may suffer Mr. Erdogan's ire, but this may inspire him as well. I hope Mr. Akinci remembers who voted for him, it was not the "Turks" but Cypriots who are Turkish. And in Turkey, (for a BBF,) Turks need this debate as well.

He, Erdogan, may say one day, One Country, One Cyprus, One Turkey.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

The dock ships came with troops and went back with refrigerators Πηγή:

. is not Akinci who speaks this truth, more is the pity this man is the leader of Cypriots whether Greek or Turkish. More depends on him than any other as a Cypriot to act; it takes a change of his intentions.

His silence is deafening since the very day he won his election, and as the President of something he was not good enough to get his invitation to the wedding; i remember does he?

A parasite, a servant-slave, is he such a man? I ask, as such a man, a traitor, a coward, a fool, to who if not the us he should be defending?

...he, that man can save us, those of us, not "Greek" or "Turk", the other half who remain despite the odds against us, as Cypriots close to the land.

Let him remember what that Flag stands for, that it is his electors who wish him to express that it is not a rag, the Flag of Cyprus; let him challenge the rest of us to stand likewise beside it, like him willing to defend each other and the Universal Principals as Human beings, we as Cypriots represent. Let the Elams and the Grey Wolves stand alone, then. If he took that challenge for those not "them", for the rest of us, wouldn't Anastasiades follow? Only a year ago, didn't he? is not the roots of a very old tree that stood in the middle of my Great Aunt's garden, because it too in the end was taken, that I despair, but that there is a shoebox somewhere.

thank-you Mr. Sener.