"That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status."
...this much we know so far.
(at least) three governing bodies must exist for this agreement to fructify Identities for each.
...if Mr. Tatar wants equality as a state: ask, where is "a Greek Cypriot constituent state", its equal.
And let's hope Mr. Christodoulides remembers (and never forgets) that while he was elected by Greek speaking Cypriots, as Cypriots left torn unnaturally apart by the extremists i call "Greeks" and "Turks" that live among them, he must represent all Cypriots despite this dysfunction; (in effect representing what is not "Them").
...what is a BBF but a political system where as Individuals we have Basic Human Rights, defending them on the Universal Principles on which they are based. And as Persons, the Liberty to express our Goodwill and Goodfaith toward the minorities living among us accordingly. (Not two governments, but two levels of government.)
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