Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Tatar threatens resignation if Turkey changes course


...foreshadowing the things to come, i imagine Mr. Tatar has a much better job waiting for him already.

It bodes well for Turkey, and for Cyprus, (and the Ukraine as well); the Problem solved.

What is a BBF, you ask? It is the Constitutional reform we all need because as Individuals without any further distinction or discrimination we share a common Heritance. Thus a State where we defend the Freedom defined as our Basic Human Rights based on Universal Principles is needed. And, as Persons, needed as well, the same respect and trust for each other, the Liberty to demonstrate as Majorities toward the Minorities living among us the same recognition by providing for these special needs in Goodwill and Goodfaith as well.

...yet, the glorious battle for ''Turkishness'' goes on, Tatar among them, a dark state if not in the light back in the shadows, Erdogan would shine by turning on a dime getting back on the train he calls democracy.

With this change of intention, (a BBF for Turkey's reform) he may win more than his election but the International esteem of his peers because, just like Turkey which is not "Turkish", Cyprus is not "Greek" (and the Ukraine is not "Ukrainian''). Indeed Erdogan knows the Problem well. He may succeed in giving it a solution that is "perfect" (an 'old time' criteria (also)), something everyone may agree secures their needs as Persons and their Rights as the People, something he will emulate in his own Constitutional reform, perhaps even arriving on time for an unforgettable Centennial.

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