Sunday, August 30, 2020

Who are the vilifiers of solidarity?


Well said, Mr. Koumoullis.

While the "Greeks" and "Turks" may hold the Agenda, it does not mean that those silenced, as Cypriots, don't exist.

...indeed, it will be an existential question, Cyprus, or Cyprus no more, in the coming elections October. If a man like Akinci stood under the Flag of Cyprus to say, I am Cypriot, I am no "Turk" but Turkish, if he spoke as a Cypriot, plainly, under it, for Cyprus, to Cypriots, who would be against such an act? And in such daring, If thousands joined his rallying call, Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, who would he expose? In simple terms, if it was impossible to escape its view, in Cyprus, the Flag of Cyprus, anywhere on the island for these elections, that too in uniting Cypriots will be the People's doing.

Cypriots themselves must solve this Problem, since it seems the Leadership alone, cannot.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Reply to Arry


...indeed, if we ask the families who have missing and murdered you will find, those Cypriot, Turkish or Greek, hope for a Memorial, somewhere in Cyprus where these people, those whose lives were stolen from them, can be remembered for who they are.

...indeed if we remember, it is true, "Greeks" and "Turks" did the killing, but who, for the most part? honour the dead let's remember, not being "them", made them victims.

Turkish Cypriot caught between two sides

Freedom for Cyprus.

...i hope in the coming elections October, that i will be standing with this man under the Flag of Cyprus in the occupied territories expressing my solidarity as a Cypriot with other Cypriots, perhaps thousands, for a candidate who has the courage to declare they are no "Turk", but Turkish, and Cypriot.

How would that look on the front page, Cypriots as Cypriots gathered, for this Identity around their Flag?

Indeed, the power is the People. Cyprus' MEP proves this. AKEL may have acted boldly, fielding a Turkish Cypriot candidate, and winning, yet it is not enough. Given the existential question being asked in these elections, every Citizen who believes in a Cypriot identity should be standing in that crowd. AKEL and DISY have a lot to think about when it comes to Constituencies, who in Principal do they represent? Truly, what are they for?

i ask...

...who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag?

Are we "Greeks" are we "Turks"; who are we if we are not Cypriots?

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Facing Turkey’s provocative actions on Cyprus


AKEL's only hope in saving Cyprus, and Cypriots, from "Turkish" and/or Turkey's subjugation is only possible if its Leadership has the support of all Cypriots. What can be more clear after having elected an MEP as such?

There are Cypriots in the occupied territories no doubt.

...who has the courage to stand up to "Turkishness"? Cypriots?

If there were a candidate who had the foresight to stand under the Flag of Cyprus, in the next elections coming in  October, its significance would not be lost. (What is a BBF?) And if such a Leader won, having rallied Cypriots together as Cypriots, having spoken to them as Cypriots, having exposed those more "Greek" and "Turkish", such a Leader as a negotiator for Cypriots far more credible, when across from another Cypriot (perhaps) speaking for Constituencies as Persons, but also as an Individual, and a State.

...Turkey will not negotiate with "Greeks". Greek Cypriots will not negotiate with "Cypriot Turks", which Turkey  supports against them. Turkey will not negotiate with Cyprus; under these conditions. But, if Erdogan is true to his word, he will negotiate with Cypriots; he will in fact have no choice, with Cypriots as Cypriots representing themselves.

...Cypriots, not Cyprus, are the power against Turkey's provocative actions, and it is Turkish Cypriots at the vanguard who need this help, (in the coming referendum\election) from Cypriots, this time around.

Who but the People can solve the Problem?

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Our View: Greece chooses dialogue, Cyprus will have to do the same


...first the Treaty of Sevres, which ended the Ottoman Empire by tearing it up. Then the Treaty of Lausanne, (which was more generous) which founded the Modern Turkey of today.

...while Ataturk was Turkish, he fought with Kurds and Armenians beside him. It was the Kurds, with their loyalty to his dream, a Turkey where all its Citizens are equal as Individuals, that saved the Republic from doom. And yet, Kemalists, for "Turkishness" cannot recognise this diversity; as "Turks" somehow more Turkish, than those, not "Turkish". Here is the (Turkish) Problem, in a nutshell.

...indeed, Greece and Turkey may find that, their give and take will bear results that have the desired effect across the region, for Hope. Timing is everything.

(beyond the Aegean, if there is a comprehensive Agreement)
It is not hard for me to imagine, Erdogan, recognising that Cyprus is Cypriot just like Turkey is Turkish. ...and that Turkey is not "Turkish" for the same reason that Cyprus cannot be "Greek".

Cyprus will change Turkey, and not the other way around, if the negotiations internally, are between two people who have the demonstrated support of Cypriots generally, not just their respective Constituency. In effect, a solution found by Cypriots ending their Problem, is a solution Turkey may emulate as their own.

It is not hard for me to imagine a Cypriot win (again) in the occupied territories either. And if that Leader wins because Cypriots demonstrate their unity as Cypriots, it is a harbinger of what Mr. Erdogan can expect against "Turkishness" itself, in Turkey, if he goes too far with that ambition.