Saturday, August 01, 2020

Our View: Greece chooses dialogue, Cyprus will have to do the same


...first the Treaty of Sevres, which ended the Ottoman Empire by tearing it up. Then the Treaty of Lausanne, (which was more generous) which founded the Modern Turkey of today.

...while Ataturk was Turkish, he fought with Kurds and Armenians beside him. It was the Kurds, with their loyalty to his dream, a Turkey where all its Citizens are equal as Individuals, that saved the Republic from doom. And yet, Kemalists, for "Turkishness" cannot recognise this diversity; as "Turks" somehow more Turkish, than those, not "Turkish". Here is the (Turkish) Problem, in a nutshell.

...indeed, Greece and Turkey may find that, their give and take will bear results that have the desired effect across the region, for Hope. Timing is everything.

(beyond the Aegean, if there is a comprehensive Agreement)
It is not hard for me to imagine, Erdogan, recognising that Cyprus is Cypriot just like Turkey is Turkish. ...and that Turkey is not "Turkish" for the same reason that Cyprus cannot be "Greek".

Cyprus will change Turkey, and not the other way around, if the negotiations internally, are between two people who have the demonstrated support of Cypriots generally, not just their respective Constituency. In effect, a solution found by Cypriots ending their Problem, is a solution Turkey may emulate as their own.

It is not hard for me to imagine a Cypriot win (again) in the occupied territories either. And if that Leader wins because Cypriots demonstrate their unity as Cypriots, it is a harbinger of what Mr. Erdogan can expect against "Turkishness" itself, in Turkey, if he goes too far with that ambition.

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