Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Turkish Cypriot caught between two sides

Freedom for Cyprus.

...i hope in the coming elections October, that i will be standing with this man under the Flag of Cyprus in the occupied territories expressing my solidarity as a Cypriot with other Cypriots, perhaps thousands, for a candidate who has the courage to declare they are no "Turk", but Turkish, and Cypriot.

How would that look on the front page, Cypriots as Cypriots gathered, for this Identity around their Flag?

Indeed, the power is the People. Cyprus' MEP proves this. AKEL may have acted boldly, fielding a Turkish Cypriot candidate, and winning, yet it is not enough. Given the existential question being asked in these elections, every Citizen who believes in a Cypriot identity should be standing in that crowd. AKEL and DISY have a lot to think about when it comes to Constituencies, who in Principal do they represent? Truly, what are they for?

i ask...

...who treats the Flag of Cyprus as a rag?

Are we "Greeks" are we "Turks"; who are we if we are not Cypriots?

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