Sunday, August 30, 2020

Who are the vilifiers of solidarity?


Well said, Mr. Koumoullis.

While the "Greeks" and "Turks" may hold the Agenda, it does not mean that those silenced, as Cypriots, don't exist.

...indeed, it will be an existential question, Cyprus, or Cyprus no more, in the coming elections October. If a man like Akinci stood under the Flag of Cyprus to say, I am Cypriot, I am no "Turk" but Turkish, if he spoke as a Cypriot, plainly, under it, for Cyprus, to Cypriots, who would be against such an act? And in such daring, If thousands joined his rallying call, Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, who would he expose? In simple terms, if it was impossible to escape its view, in Cyprus, the Flag of Cyprus, anywhere on the island for these elections, that too in uniting Cypriots will be the People's doing.

Cypriots themselves must solve this Problem, since it seems the Leadership alone, cannot.

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