Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Our View: EastMed pipeline is no longer an option, not even in theory



...indeed, "first to market", counts in business. Cyprus, and Israel, along with Egypt and Greece have demonstrated from the start their intention to work as a region, as equals, collectively toward this purpose.

And, as things are Turkey is far behind having no support from the majors, or her neighbours but Libya, "wildcating", having crews which are not seasoned on ships she must buy and limited supplies: her chances of finding oil or gas are slim; refusing to respect UNCLOS as a frame for engagement projecting militarily her "supremacy" instead, she meddles, hoping a tribute will fall her way otherwise.

Who knows, the pipeline may go through Turkey, it has only to recognise that Cypriots exist.

..and who knows, the pipeline as discussed may be built despite the cost, because of security concerns.

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