Thursday, March 22, 2018

Akinci: no objection to social meeting but warns of ‘futile processes’


...sadly, i remember the day Mr. Akinci was elected, i remember Mr. Eroglu, i remember that election as a kind of referendum as was said, i remember the angry phone call from Erdogan live on TV.

Who represents Cypriots, Mr Akinci? Is he Cypriot?

What we have seen is his "Turkishness" as it is defined by "Turks". he Turkish? Or is he no better than a "Greek"?

...will Mr. Akinci fill his seats in the Communal Chamber, if the other members are there waiting for them; will Turkish Cypriots fill their empty seats in the Legislature? It is there in the NAVTEX that started this debate, what Turkish Cypriots may do, what Turkey recognises, what Erdogan cannot refuse.

Mr. Akinci needs to reflect who he'll betray for "Turkishness". A Cyprus divided only means that Turkey will be more divided. What has happened in Cyprus, for "Turkishness" divides Turkey, now. For Turks, those not "Turks", a united Cyprus brings Hope in Turkey, for them. If he is a greater builder, a Statesman, if he is willing to have this Legacy, this choice also awaits him.

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